Chapter 218

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Charlotte was glancing quizzically at Eugene as she looked up.

"Of the favor which I had privately asked of you before."

"I wouldn't say I had been much of help to you, Your Majesty. As all I did was nothing but to pass on your words to my mother's side of the family."

Charlotte's answer must have worked as some kind of trigger as another memory of Jin's was brought to her remembrance. And there she saw Charlotte, who was sitting in front of her in a different clothing.

[I need you to pass along my letter to your maternal grandfather.]

[I believe it was your wish to seek for a person with the help of my mother's side of the family. Would your letter contain the like content?]

[Close enough. Though it's merely a personal favor. Umm... as I do not intend to keep this a secret, I will just tell you openly. If I am not mistaken, I have heard that your grandfather is keeping a rather special kind of hobby himself. Which happens to be my hobby as well.]

Eugene surmised the hobby of Charlotte's grandfather to be something related to old book collections. If Jin had personally asked for his help, he must be someone with a profound knowledge of that field.

'Wait, then she could've just asked for the help before she returned to the kingdom. And from the way Jin had mentioned about the count's mother, they sounded like they were acquaintances after all. But why is it that Jin had chosen to communicate through the Count despite all the cumbersomeness?'

Then she heard the voice of Charlotte from the present.

"But I do not know what really happened afterwards. And Your Majesty need not worry further as Count Wacommbe is surely a man of few words."

As soon as a familiar name fell on her ears, a different scene of memory unfolded in her mind.

[I may have more letters for your grandfather in the future. And it's obvious that I can't have you as my bearer every time I have a letter to send. So, I wondered if you could recommend someone who you think is trustworthy of the task, preferably from one of your grandfather's acquaintances]

[I will make a recommendation as soon as I find someone suitable to your request, Your Majesty.]

'So.. Count Wacommbe was actually someone who was introduced to by Count Oscar.'

Count Oscar.'


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Count Wacommbe, the ancient book dealer, was someone Eugene was watching for her opportunity to have a meet up with. But when Marianne first informed her of Count Wacommbe, she had never told her about any of his connections to Charlotte.

'I guess she must have not known about it. She wouldn't have hidden it from me if she knew.'

It occurred to Eugene that Charlotte was indeed someone trustable, as she did not seem to have boastfully blabbered about the Queen's personal favor to no one.

"I hope you don't misunderstand as I did not bring that up with any intention of questioning. It just happened to occur to me and I felt like I have yet to say my words of gratitude to you. I want you to know that I am truly thankful for everything you have done for me so far."

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