Camp Invasion Pt.1

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Faruko searched aimlessly through the skies of the forest, the fire growing bigger and the smoke rising up by the minute, as well as the pink fog nearby.

Oh man, oh man oh man!
I wish I had night vision, then I would be able to see better around here!
Faruko squints her eyes through the dark.

Urgh! This fog got worse than it did before!
Okay, I just gotta be careful not to breathe it in,
Faruko thought, quickly covering her nose and mouth from the gas, continuing to search for the group.

C'mon c'mon! Where are they?!

"Hey! Over here!" A young girl in short black hair said, waving her hands in the air with a mask on.

What? Where's the other girl?
Faruko thought, thinking about Kendo, as she flew towards her in a hurry anyway.

Right when her feet touched the ground, Faruko quickly noticed the other unconscious student laying on the ground who had vines for hair, and without hesitation, Faruko runs towards the student and starts putting her on her back, as the young girl assisted her right away.

"Hey, th-thanks for coming back" She said, having a bit of tears in her eyes.

Faruko paused herself.  Shaky and nervous, is what Faruko heard from her voice, which made her look at her face.

"I-I'm Kodai by the way" she stuttered. "From classB, a-and I-I was afraid that maybe... maybe something happened, that I would have to take care of the situation all by myself... so, thank you for keeping your promise of coming back"

Kodai looks at Faruko with trembling eyes, yet at the same time, confidently and nervously. Thus may be because Faruko have ignited young Kodai with some hope for keeping her promise.

"Thank you so much!" She said again with a squeeze of her eyes shut.

Faruko's heart pierced by the sound of her face voice. She wanted to say that it was okay and that everything will be alright, but she knew that if she does she'll risk breathing in the pink gas that'll cause her to fall asleep as the two students - good thing she's used to holding her breath for this long due to her best friend Carla.

All that Faruko can do for now was give her a confident nod, trying to assure her with a soft smile and gentle look that everything will be okay, and with that, Faruko takes off into the air, as the girl waved from behind, who hoped that everything will turn out okay.

Faruko flapped her wings frantically, trying to get the last unconscious student back to where she left the first as fast as she can, letting herself breath when she got far enough from the fog. Her wings burned not from the fire, but from the constant flapping.

Ouch! My wings feel like they're gonna fall off!
Faruko thought with a grit of her teeth.

Grrr, c'mon wings!
Don't fail me now, not now!

Faruko finally got there in a short time, carefully carrying the student with her. She lands on the ground, continuing to hold on and bring the student inside the building.

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