"I'll break down your walls one by one and sneak into the gates of your icy heart before crushing it into tiny pieces." He murmurs mercilessly as his lips lightly brush my ear, the contact eliciting an indescribable sensation through every inch of m...
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I shake my head to ensure I'm not imagining things.
With thoughts running a thousand miles per second, I try to pinpoint how the heck I managed to find myself in this ordeal.
"W-what are. . ." I fail to finish my sentence; feeling scrutinized under his brown eyes.
I clear my throat to get ahold of myself, "What are you doing here?"
The rigidness in my tone causes him to knit his brows slightly.
"I work here now," Roman discloses smoothly, his expression unreadable.
He fails to avert his probing eyes away from me, causing me to fidget.
Never did I expect to encounter Roman here of all places but here we are.
And it just had to be today of all days.
"What's going on here?"
Ludovic's commanding voice is enough to jolt me to reality.
I attempt to speak but words fail to form at the tip of my tongue.
Ludovic's jaw tightens as his dark gaze travels from Roman to me with unnerving thoroughness.
"We were business colleagues in university," Roman asserts as his amber eyes search mine.
My brows furrow.
Nonetheless, I go along as I utter lamely, "We were,"
An awkward and painful silence ensues.
"I guess I'll see you around then," Roman alerts followed by a brief hand wave.
I nod curtly, "See you,"
Once he takes his retreat, I pivot.
But his firm clutch on my arm prevents me from moving.
"Who is that guy?"
My blank expression heavily contrasts his bellicose expression.
With a scrunched forehead, Ludovic tightens his jaw; his ocean eyes exuding nothing but chaos.
"He already told you," I sigh, "We were once paired in the same team for a school business project."
The thing about Ludovic is he's one of the fewest people; if not the only person who can see right through me.
It's like his probing stare has the power to pierce right through me, unraveling parts of me I've desperately sought to shield from the world.
And the way he grabs a hold of me can all but consume me.
"Is there anything I need to know about him?" Ludovic persists in a dark tone; his gaze unrelenting, "anything that can interfere with his job at my company?"