"I'll break down your walls one by one and sneak into the gates of your icy heart before crushing it into tiny pieces." He murmurs mercilessly as his lips lightly brush my ear, the contact eliciting an indescribable sensation through every inch of m...
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I freeze on the spot as I can't seem to form a coherent thought upon seeing him for the first time at Varos's headquarters.
Standing beside a black limousine in his light grey suit is none other than Stalon as he approaches me with his lips curved into a grin.
"Shall we?" he teases once he comes to an abrupt halt in front of me. His facial expression morphs into a pure look of concern upon perusing me.
It completely slipped my mind he planned to eat lunch with me today.
"Bad time?" he questions in an unreadable tone but upon examining my stiff expression, he instantly puts two and two together as his brows furrow.
"Don't tell me you forgot?"
How can I escape without him noticing I'm a ticking time bomb waiting to explode any moment now?
Screw the sunglasses because they no longer fulfill their duty of shielding my tears since his expression says it all.
He must think I'm a nutcase. Great, this is exactly what I need.
The following seconds are silent.
He doesn't say a word as he pivots to head towards his limousine. He then opens the vehicle's door before motioning me to enter.
Skeptical, I make no attempts to move but the look of sincerity on his face compels me to reconsider.
"C'mon," he urges with his fingers still pressed on the rim of the side door. "We can have lunch inside."
My feet seem to have a mind of their own as they take approaching steps towards his direction.
Next thing I know, we're enclosed within the comfort of his vehicle as he refrains from saying a word almost like he's waiting for me to confide in him.
Subsequently, I bury my face in my palms after discarding my sunglasses and remain in this position for what seems like hours.
A pair of strong arms enclose my frame before I am pulled towards a solid surface.
And just like that, I end up creating an ocean of tears in his car but he doesn't seem to mind.
He waits for me to calm down as he doesn't question my state of vulnerability.
As my forehead is pressed against his chest, I feel conflicted because, on one hand, I'm tremendously grateful for his support but another part of me can't help but feel frustrated for allowing him to see me like this.
Especially when he'll most likely reveal this episode to his devil of a best friend.
"You carry so much on your shoulders, you often forget you don't have to," he discloses in a soft tone as we remain in the same position for what seems like a century.