"I'll break down your walls one by one and sneak into the gates of your icy heart before crushing it into tiny pieces." He murmurs mercilessly as his lips lightly brush my ear, the contact eliciting an indescribable sensation through every inch of m...
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This chapter is dedicated to acheairs for being among the first people to read my story. I appreciate all your lengthy and detailed comments for they always push me to improve <3
"You're ejected from Honours."
I remained stationary, unable to process her words.
Despite how a thousand thoughts clustered my mind, none of them could escape my lips.
"Some of your grades are top-notch don't get me wrong but you seem to be struggling with your accounting course according to your professor's assessment."
As the Honour's program coordinator added more salt to the wound, I was not about to let her kick me out of a program I worked so hard to be a part of.
"That doesn't make any sense," I argued in frustration as I stared at the middle-aged woman positioned behind her office desk, "I've done everything the program requires of me. I've chosen all the disciplinary courses, I attended all the seminars, my GPA is still very good from my recollection—"
"One of the requirements of Honours is to ace all your courses," the coordinator interrupted me in impatience, "but you only managed to get a B on your accounting class last semester."
Although her reasoning was valid, my GPA was still acceptable according to the program's demands.
Therefore, I didn't think my accounting grade would matter.
"The semester just began," I persisted, "so is there any way I can buy some time to improve my grade for this course? I promise to work twice as hard and I know I can pull it off."
"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do." she just shook her head in nonchalance as she wore a blank expression. "You had all the time last semester to do that but you failed which is unacceptable."
Before I could refute, her next words infuriated me.
"People like you are a waste of time as you easily get distracted and lose focus which is your ultimate downfall. You're now dismissed."
One of the things I hated the most on this planet was being associated with the word 'failure'.
Don't get me wrong, I embraced failure in every aspect of my life because the experiences I gathered from it were priceless.
But to sit there and expect me to be perfect, claiming I failed to live up to their criteria like I wasn't allowed to make mistakes was utterly ridiculous.
As she began signing a few documents on her desk in rapidness, I took it upon myself to say,
"I worked so hard to live up to your demands but I'm sorry to tell you perfection doesn't exist. A few years from now, when I build a successful company, you would've regretted the day you ever spoke to me like that."