| 26 | crève-coeur

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In zombie mode, I staggered down the hallway.

As expected, my eyes were at the driest stage they've ever been given the innumerable amount of times I cried the previous night.

My reflection was first to greet me once I opened my locker.

The person staring back at me on the mini mirror had bags under her eyes.

My meeting with Mrs. Delmore replayed in my head over and over again like a broken record.

Upon retrieving a concealer, I blended it on the dark circles to make them less visible.

Even if I was miserable, I couldn't afford to show it at a school where the majority of people thrived in one's misery.

The sudden sensation of my waist encircled by broad arms contributed to my frozen state.

I closed my eyes to take a deep inhalation of his calming scent; knowing it was the last time I would get the opportunity to do so.

With my back pressed against his torso, he buried his nose in the crook of my neck which had the power to temporarily reduce my anxiety level.

"Your scent will be the death of me," his soothing breath emanated from his husky tone always ignited an inexplicable sensation in my veins.

But upon recalling my predicament, I disentangled his arms from my waist before pivoting to study his features intensely for the very last time.

His caramel locks were more tousled than usual as some of them managed to cascade past his forehead.

Nonetheless, he pulled the look off with his handsome features to back it up.

With squared shoulders, I did my best to avoid his intense gaze as I stared into space.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," he disclosed in a playful tone, "for a second, I thought you were tryna avoid me or something."

Doing my best not to crumble, I blurted,

"What do you want?"

That was the best attempt of a cold tone I could muster before Ludovic's sharp senses could decipher the hidden despondency in my voice.

Silence reigned between us as I didn't dare to speak.

With delicacy, Ludovic tucked his thumb under my chin to lift my head for my gaze to level his.

Breaking things off was a lot harder than I thought because there I was still getting lost in those addictive blue eyes that could even enchant the most coldhearted of all people.

His brows furrowed as I could tell he was heavily analyzing my every move to depict anything out of the ordinary.

But it was taking everything in me to maintain the stony expression on my face for his silent search to fall short.

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