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"I can't believe the professor, I'm so unsatisfied with my grade."

"You got an A- Anaya, I'm sure you'll live."

I threw Yara a dumbfounded expression as we strolled through the immense halls of Quivelon College.

"That's asking me to accept defeat which I won't do."

Yara rolled her eyes before muttering, "Here we go again. . ."

"I swear the professor has something against me. She's the only teacher who always marks my accounting exams that way." I continued to kvetch much to Yara's dismay.

"Naya ever since you've been in Honours, you've been obsessing over your grades," Yara argued in a matter-of-fact tone as she briefly waved back at some colleagues who were waving at us — well, her to be exact since my social skills were debatable.

One of the many downsides of befriending an extrovert.

"You and I should attend Friday's party, it'll do you some good." Her suggestion was enough to summon a blank look on my face.

I'd lost count of her proposing the same thing, knowing the exact reaction I'd have.

"You've finally admitted you can't live without my parties." the familiar voice from behind was enough to freeze Yara in her tracks.

Upon swiveling around, the sight of two of Quivelon's most certified heartthrobs reared into view.

And there went the thunderous thump of my heartbeat upon seeing his face in the company of his best friend.

Stalon and Ludovic briefly exchanged the same smug expressions on their faces before anchoring their alert gaze onto us once they came to an abrupt halt in front of us.

Quick Anaya. . . think of an excuse to escape.

"Get over yourself," Yara retorted as she addressed Stalon in boredom, "I was referring to someone else. You're not the only one who throws parties on campus."

Stalon snickered patronizingly as he briefly jabbed Ludovic's arm with his elbow who equally began to chuckle at their exchange. "Vic you're hearing this? She can't lie for the life of her."

Yara threw her arms in the air. "I don't even know why I bother with you. Anaya, please tell this chipmunk the truth."

How could I properly function with the intense look Ludovic was giving me that had the effect to turn my brain into mush?

It didn't help the school uniform he wore that day particularly made the colour of his eyes stand out. 

It's like he knew the effect he had on me because he continued his gentle chuckles as he bit his bottom lip teasingly.

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