Trouble on Tatooine | Part 2

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A/N: LadyGrace1026, here's the second part of your request! And same goes for you, Holliepocock it's here :) so I hope you both enjoy!


As the sun's gentle golden rays started to peak out over the sand dunes the next morning, Anakin began to wake. He had spent the majority of the night worrying about where Ahsoka was and what could've happened to her.

"Padmé," he whispered. "We need to find her."

"Go," she agreed.

Just as Anakin set out, Padmé suddenly realized something. "Anakin?" She wondered aloud. "What if... what if the Raiders took her?"

He turned slowly around, loathing burning in his irises. "If I catch them with her... they'd better pray I'm feeling merciful."


He knew. He knew where their hideout was.

They dwelled in the cliff faces just beyond Mos Eisley.

If she wasn't there... Anakin didn't know what he would do then. The Council would have to be informed.

Yet, he had a feeling that he would find her. The Force was guiding him for once, and he would use it to his advantage.

He was so close. Oh, so close.

He could sense the chaos behind the cantina and the fright of the young girl who was the unlucky victim this time. That young girl who was Ahsoka.

He didn't know how he hadn't thought of checking here before. Now isn't the time to think about that right now, Anakin chastised himself. What's important is that Ahsoka is safe.

As he was planning this, he had arrived to the entrance of their campsite and had easily rolled the boulder away with the Force, lightsaber ignited. Its sapphire blade hummed menacingly in the dark. With dark amusement, Skywalker could sense the fear pouring off of the Tusken Raiders deeper inside the camp.

To his fury, a bruised, bloodied, mangled and unconscious shape hung from above the firepit.


Just like Shmi.

The Raiders charged, but none of them were a match for Anakin's saber as he drove it into their chests, leaving only a sizzling hole behind.

Surveying the wreckage around him, he glowered at them. "Not this time," he snarled. But his priority was now Ahsoka. Gently unknotting the tweed ropes binding her to the fireplace structure, he cradled her battered form, gently wiping alcoholic salve on her wounds to clean them.

"I'm sorry, Snips. I know it stings, I know it hurts, and I know you're scared, but we're almost there. I brought my extra cloak too, just in case your clothes were torn." After a moment, he added, "we're almost home."


They began walking after Anakin had thoroughly cleaned her wounds and wrapped his best cloak around her thin frame.

Only as he began waking with the girl in his arms did he realize how light she was. They must've starved her so she could provide no retaliation. Those bastards.

He vowed to get revenge someday, to stop their behaviour once and for all. Plans were already beginning to form in his head when a voice jerked him out from his thoughts.

"M... master?"

Anakin glanced down, gripping her hand tightly to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, and that she was real, not a figment of his imagination.

"Master?" she asked again. As if she could read his thoughts, she whispered, "don't worry. I'm here."

Her soft, reassuring voice sent shockwaves through him. She was safe. Truly safe from what could have been a horrible ending.

Tears began to well in his eyes. "And thank goodness you are. I lost my mother here. I'm not about to lose someone I love here again."


A/N: oh my goodness it's been so long since i updated this book i'm so sorry 😭 school sucks. i have another update or two coming very soon! and when i say that i promise it doesn't mean never. i'm gonna go work on those updates now :)

- jazzy

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