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I'm on the line to Purple the most famous nightclub in town. You may think I'm just a regular girl ready to have the best 26th birthday party ever. But there are a few things you need to know about me.
First, I'm not a regular girl. Second, I hate my birthday.

- Victor, I'm still waiting for confirmation. Is he in the house or not? Don't waste my time. Do I need to remind you what day it is? This is not training, Victor.

On the other end of the phone, Victor's voice is uncertain, I can hear from his voice that something isn't right.

Victor has been working for me for a long time, he's my tech expert, there's nothing he can't do with a computer in his hands.
We met at college, I helped him get rid of some problems and we never parted again. Besides being my friend today he will be my eyes and ears.

- I'm sorry, Esra...
- Don't be sorry, I need answers, tell me what's going on.
- Mr. Karayağız has just arrived, but he is not alone. His eldest son is with him.
- How did this happen? He should be out of the country. When did he arrive? Why am I learning this only now?

I curse and hold myself back from throwing the phone across the street. I know I need to be ready for variables, but today İ can't admit mistakes.

- I'm sorry again, Esra.

Hakan Karayağız, the reason I'm here today, my biggest enemy. The head of one of the most dangerous mafia families. On this same date ten years ago he was responsible for my father's death, on my 16th birthday.
Tonight I'll be in front of him to see his final breath.

- Nothing changes. Tell me if something else happens.

Then I hear another voice on the phone.

- Esra, this was not in the plans, you are not safe there. Come home before something goes wrong.

This is the most important person in my life after my father's death. Sir Zoltan was my father's right-hand man and now he is mine too.

- What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere, I'm keeping the plan.

I respect him as part of my family, but today no one can stop me.

- Esra, think about it...
- I said I'll keep the plan, that's my final word. Everyone holds your position.

He stays in Silence, so I hang up the phone. That is all.

I could get in this club anytime without a problem, but for my plan to work everything has to happen naturally, so I wait in line with the others until it's my turn to get in.

The place is packed, this is the favorite place for gangsters to make business, especially the Karayağız family. I'm in their territory now.

I check around, the first thing I do is find the VIP room. Of course, I did my lesson, I came here before I know exactly where to go.

In the VIP room is not hard to find Karayağız men, they're everywhere. Then I finally see him, the man I came for.

I'm paralyzed for a moment, even if I'm waiting for this for almost half of my life I get anxious.

For a moment my mind drifts back to that night. I look down and see myself in my birthday dress, I see my father's blood on my hands, my heart clenched. Someone bumps into me making me wake up to the present.

I shake my head to regain my senses, grab a drink and watch my target.
Mr. Hakan is sitting on a couch in the corner of the room, surrounded by his men. He has a young girl with him, probably a dancer. I have to get rid of her to get closer to him.

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