The heiress

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The next day I leave the house early to look for the detective Zoltan told me about, but the first person I meet when I step outside the house is Khan.

- What are you doing here?

I hate how delicious he looks leaning against the car like he owns the street.

- I figured you'd leave the house.
- Why wouldn't I leave?
- You just got back from the hospital and you're pregnant.
- I'm not sick, besides, let's make it clear, I'm going to have this child, I'm going to do this alone. We had a fake wedding and now it's over.

I say it all at once before I forget something. As I figured, Khan won't give up without a fight.

- It is not how it works. Get in the car, let's talk.
- We have nothing to talk about, I'm busy.

I look around and don't see my men who guard the front of my house. I decide to drive my car anyway, I walk to the car, Khan follows me.

- Where are you going?
- That's none of your business.
- You should be resting.
- The doctor said I have to stay away from stress and you stress me. Go away.
- Will you leave without security?
- What did you do?

I turn to him who looks completely unconcerned with my irritation.

- I fired them.
- What? Who do you think you are?
- I stopped in front of your door for hours, they didn't even notice, I could have gotten rid of them all. They're not good for the job.

I look at him not knowing what to say, I don't think it's worth arguing. I pick up the phone and call Victor.

- Victor, call the men back. Tell them that from now on they only take orders from me. Also whoever allows Khan Karayağız near my house again will never work in this city again.

I hang up the phone and Khan remains unfazed, now leaning against my car. I ignore him and walk around to get into the driver's seat, I can't stop him from getting in the car too.

- What are you doing?
- You can't leave without security, I'm going with you.
- I've shot you before, what else do I need to do to get rid of you?
- I'd say it's a little too late for that.

I start the car, I can't waste time arguing with Khan, I need to find this detective.

- Hey! Calm down! Aren't you tired of wrecking cars?

He hangs on as I enter the traffic at full speed.

- Believe me, the idea looks very attractive now.
- Where are you going in such a hurry anyway?
- I have to find someone.
- Speaking of that, call your idiot lawyer and tell him you gave up on the divorce.

I brake suddenly at the traffic lights, screeching.

- Why is my lawyer an idiot? Just because he filed for divorce? You are acting like a spoiled child.
- Me, spoiled? You are the one who never listens, always getting into trouble.

The light opens and I start the car again.

- Just call that idiot and fire him, tell him you not having a divorce anymore.
- My lawyer is not an idiot and you cannot fire people who work for me.
- Your security sucks and you don't need a divorce lawyer anymore.
- I won't call him, I'll pretend you don't exist. I have more important things to deal with now.
- You will not raise my child alone, I'll take you back home.
- Where? I will not live under the same roof as Hakan.
- Why do you hate my father so much?

The question makes me pause to think for a moment, now I don't know anymore. Everything I've believed all my life seems to be changing.

- I thought he caused my father's death.
- Don't you believe that anymore?

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