Burning bridges

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I just found out Khan has a dossier about me. I have many pictures of me in hand when Khan come back.

- What is this?

I shove the pictures on his chest.

- Guarantee.
- Guarantee? Why you need guarantee when I'm the one being kidnapped and blackmailed?

Khan fixes me with his stare.

- I need to know who I'm marrying.
- You're unbelievable.

I snort crossing my arms over my chest, I'm still wearing only a towel around me.

- Who I'm talking with? The man leaving in the glass penthouse.

Khan raise an eyebrow at me, he speaks in an teasing tone.

- I don't know if you care this much about privacy.

His eyes linger on my body wrapped on a towel.
He's right. Since we met at the club we've become intimate in many strange ways.

- You make me sick.

I take my bag and turn around, I know things will be even worse before it's over.

The day is almost over, I look through the big windows to the city outside. I have so many things in my mind, I don't even know how to keep myself sane.
Khan spend all day busy with his business, there's not much I can do besides wait for him to leave or get distracted but Khan is always attentive to every step I take.

- Get ready, we're leaving?

I snap from my deep thoughts, I'm tired but I won't pass a chance to leave the house.

- Can you at least tell me where are we going? It's better if I know what to wear.
- We're going out to dinner.
- At the mansion?
- No. We're leaving in 15 minutes.

At this point I don't bother to change in front of him anymore. Most of the time Khan just ignore my presence.

- You have a lot of tattoos.

Khan's remark gets me by surprise.

- I'm sure you're against women with ink, aren't you?
- Does it matter?

I don't even need to reply, this is the closest we got to a normal conversation.
I dress something elegant but on my own terms. Mid skirt and long sleeves blouse, all black with some leather and a huge slit exposing part of the tattoo that goes from my hip bone to my thigh.

Khan just watches without saying anything, just turns and leave so I know he approves.
During the ride Khan glances at me a few times. He drives a classic car, I bet every mobster does. Whenever he changes gear, his hand rubs against my leg sending a shiver all over my body.

When he parks in front of the restaurant my heart neatly stops, it's Adam's parents restaurant. He is always here, I've been here myself many times.

- What are we doing here?
- Dinner. I told you.
- You know who this restaurant belongs, right?

I look at Khan in disbelief, he did it on purpose. He ignores my concerns and walks inside.
As soon as we arrive the manager recognizes me and gives me a warm welcome, then he walks us to the table.

I can't stop looking around, I hope Adam is not here tonight. Khan in the other hand remains completely calm.
Our order arrives and I swallow all of my drink at once but I still can't calm my heart down.  I have no idea what Khan has in mind.

At some point I convince myself Adam is not here, i finally can calm down a little bit I'm still on alert.

- I'm going to the toilet, please try not to kill anyone.

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