Who are you?

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[Esra POV]

I convince Dilan to pick more things for me, as soon as she leaves the room I have the chance to escape.

- I need to look around to see what's going in this house. I hope she takes her time to come back.

Still, I know I have to come back before someone noticed.

I walk through the long hallway then downstairs, it's all dark there's only one soft light coming from a room, I approach carefully to see. It's an office, the door is half-open.

I try to peep through the door, I can't believe what is in front of my eyes. Khan is leaning on the chair, he's looking at the monitor screen, I can't see what he's watching but I know what he's doing.

He has his cock in hand, it's huge and very hard. I take a step back but for some unknown reason I don't move, I keep watching him.

There are a few buttons on his shirt open showing part of his chest rising and falling, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

He turns to the big glass window so our eyes meet in the reflection. My heart jumps but I'm still paralyzed. It's like there's a great magnetic lure drawing my eyes.
His eyes burned with pleasure, his mouth parted. I know he can see me, but to my surprise, he doesn't stop.
Khan picks up speed stroking the large length of his cock, my heart speeds up too.

Finally, I turn around and hide, I lean against the wall outside, I'm out of breath. I can hear his grunts coming from inside the office, I don't know if from adrenaline or something else I feel my face heat up and desire pool in my lower belly. I place my hand over my bouncing heart, then my hand travels down my body towards the inside of my thighs. I'm hot and wet.
I listen till Khan growls as he climaxes then I run back to the bedroom.

As soon as I return I'm still panting but I don't have time to settle down Dilan returns at the same time.

- I went after you, but you are here.

I speak in a higher voice than I'd like. I hope she doesn't notice.

- I've brought you a few more things I hope you like them.

Thankfully Dilan doesn't notice anything.

- I won't hold you anymore, it's late.
- Oh. No problem. I'm really happy you're here.

Dilan finally leaves, I close the door behind me and go into the bathroom to change. When I leave the bathroom my heart flips on my chest, Khan is in the middle of the room.

- What were you doing outside the room?

He doesn't even bother to hide the fact he saw me.

- I went out to find Dilan, she was helping me with some things.
- Did you find what you were looking for?

The double meaning of the question is quite clear, his tone is subtle yet insinuating.

- No.

So he looks at the clothes I'm wearing and completely changes the mood

- These are the clothes Dilan brought you?
- This is the best I could do with that. I'm wearing none of those clothes.
- You better find something if you want to join the breakfast in the morning.
- Great, I don't need another Show like you did tonight in front of your family.
- You can starve yourself then. Suit yourself.

Once again Khan shoots his orders and leaves me.

It's a few hours until dawn, of course, I have trouble sleeping. I roll in the bed from side to side, I stare at the ceiling for a long time.
I replay all the events from this night in my mind. I see Khan's face every time I close my eyes, I know he will be my biggest obstacle to finishing my revenge plan.

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