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I open my eyes slowly, I'm in the hospital again. This is already starting to become a habit.
The last thing I remember is the shooting. I went to the bank to look for clues about my father, on the way back my car was surrounded but I fought back and managed to get rid of them. I didn't have major injuries but I passed out, probably from adrenaline and someone brought me to the hospital.

When I open my eyes in the hospital room Khan is standing with the doctor watching me.

- What are you doing here?

He doesn't answer, his face is like he saw a ghost.

- Ma'am, don't stress too much, you need to rest.
- (This talk again...)

Khan is still paralyzed, I don't know what's wrong with him.

- I asked what are you doing here.

He finally finds the words, but that was even worse.

- I'll get you out of here, you're coming with me.

Then he turns to the doctor.

- If she doesn't need anything else I want you to discharge her.
- What? Did you lose your mind? I'm not going anywhere with you.

He ignores me and talks to the doctor again.

- Go now and do as I told you.

She leaves, it's infuriating how people obey him without question.

- What do you think you are doing? 

He approaches me cautiously, Khan looking strangely wary.

- You are not safe here, especially in your condition.
- My condition? What condition? I killed two men last night and seriously injured two others, I don't think I need your protection.

I see the shadow of a smile on his face.

- Of course, you did.

He looks at me as he's seeing me for the first time.

- What are you looking at? I said I don't need you, leave!

At this point, the doctor returns and we stop talking.

- Ma'am, the two gentlemen out there want to see you too.
- Who else is there?
- I think he's your uncle and the other...

Khan cuts her off before she finishes. 

- They won't come in, you can send Alper and that other asshole of your ex away.
- What? Is Adam here? Send him in, I want to see him.
- No way!
- You won't tell me who I can see.

The doctor doesn't know what to do in the middle of the discussion.

- Please ask them to come in.

She calls them, soon my uncle walks into the room followed by Adam who runs to my side. Khan looks ready to take down the hospital but I ignore him.

- Esra, what happened? I was scared when I found out you were in the hospital. I told you this man was dangerous.

Adam takes my hand and Khan clenches his fists.

- Don't worry Adam, I'm fine. Uncle, you didn't have to come here.
- You are my family, my dear.  I must take care of you.
- How do you dare? You put her in danger when you started doing business with that Gani.

Then Khan turns to Adam.

- And you have nothing to do here, I've had enough of you hanging around my wife.
- You are a criminal, I am not afraid of your threats. Esra, if you want I can help you leave this man.

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