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- Mrs Karayağız can I talk with you just for a moment?

I share a look with Khan, I thought we were doing good so far. We both turn around.

- Alone, if you don't mind.

I don't oppose, it's better this way. I'm worried he may bring my records in front of Khan.

- Ok, if it's just a moment.

With a reassuring smile I walk into the office leaving Khan outside. We have to keep the newlyweds act.

Inside the office now alone with the commissary his tone changes from suspicion to almost paternal worry.

- Mrs Karayagiz, it's been a long time since you visited this police station. I thought your issues with the law were behind you when you left the country. You are now involved with the Karayagiz family.

It's still weird to be called Mrs Karayagiz. I know what he's trying to do, he wants to scare me enough to make me talk

- Do you have any questions, Sir?
- I thought you could explain what really happened last night.
- My husband already told you everything.
- Mrs Karayagiz... Esra, your husband is a dangerous man. Don't you think that someday it could be you on the pier?
- I appreciate your concern but If you don't have further questions I need to take my husband home.

I leave his office to meet Khan who is waiting for me, he greets me with a kiss on my temple. I glance behind, the commissary is watching us then I smile back to Khan accepting his caresses.

Outside the police station we split up, I surround the car to get to the driver's seat, Khan pause outside for a moment and smile.

- Are you not coming?

I ask him. Khan shake his head then hops in.

- What? You can't drive.
- Don't get used.

I roll into traffic. I notice that Khan is fidgeting, he probably wants to know what I talked to the commissary.

- What did he say?
- Nothing i already don't know.
- Like what?
- You're a dangerous man, I may be the next to end up under the pier.

Khan laughs, actually laughs. I glance at him then back to the road. He looks different when he laughs.

- I should be the one worried about it.

Khan laughs at the situation but I still feel uncomfortable. Yesterday i lost my mind, I was not expecting to be affected so much.

- By the way, I want that pistol back.

I open the glove compartment where the pistol is.

- You brought a gun that was used in a shootout to the police station?
- You did. It's your gun and your car.

Khan can't argue about my that.
Soon we're out of town again, Khan didn't tell me where to go so I figured we'd get back to the safe place from last night

- Why you didn't told him I shot you?

He looks at me with a serious expression, I think he don't even knows the real reason.

- I prefer to solve our problems without the interference of strangers.

Back to the safe house I can finally find a moment to call Victor, he's still blaming himself for the wedding but I'll deal with this later. Right now I need to know who was behind the ambushing.

- I don't have much time, tell me everything you know so far.
- We already knew Khan was tracking you, we still can't prove he is behind the death of the motorcyclists.
- What about the car I saw? He said it was the same car that was following me. Did you found something about it?
- No, nothing yet but i think it's suspicious.
- What do you mean? You think I was the real target?
- I think so...
- I know there's something else. What it is?
- Do you think Khan is behind this?

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