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- Why in hell would I marry you?

I can't believe Khan could get so low, he's blackmailing me to avoid getting arrested.

- Why wouldn't you?

Khan's features don't change, he thinks he has the upper hand here. I need to pretend to be outraged, I feel outraged by his attempt to frame me but I can't say I'm surprised. Everything fits perfectly into my plan.

I remember what he told me at the club, how he tried to get rid of me with money. He thinks I'd marry him for money.

- You tell me. Why would I marry you?
- You're already considering, don't you?
- Not at all, I'm just really interested in understanding how bad you're from the head. Also, you're keeping me here as your hostage, is not like I have a choice besides talking with you.

Khan doesn't laugh but I realize he's not that angry with me anymore. He is enjoying this situation, he likes to be in control.
I've already decided that I'm going to stick around for a while to get the information I need to destroy Khan before I get rid of his father.
If I need to accept the marriage proposal, then I will. I will get rid of them before the wedding takes place.

As if reading my mind Kahn speaks

- I'm proposing you something really good for you, Esra.
- Really? How so?
- If you marry me I can protect you
- Why do I need protection?
- The cops are not the only problem. What do you think those men boss would do if he finds you were there with me?

I remember he mentioned Gani, little did he know Gani has business with my family. I don't like him but he did a few works with my uncle. He could do nothing to me, but it wouldn't be nice if my family learns something wrong about what happened. I don't want them to hear about it.

- Will you say now you care about my protection?
- Not really, but you should think about it. It's your choice.

Khan says that casually like he has not threatened me into this for the last hours.
If I was another woman I'd be trapped in his game, he planned everything very well. His only problem is I don't need his protection, I could get rid of him anytime and I have my reasons to play this game.

- (Oh, Khan... You'll not even know what hit you)
- You don't want to be on my bad side, Ms. Esra
- Are you trying to scare me?

Khan gives only a pointed look, he's trying to intimidate me. He's implying he could hurt me o the people I love if I don't help him. I know he really would if he could. But he can't. I don't have anyone he could use against me, my family died with my father.

- (He must be searching for something to use against me.)

One of the first things I did when I started my revenge plan was delete everything about me, nothing would tie me to my father or his family mafia. This is good now, but if Khan doesn't find anything about my relatives, it would be suspicious. I need to be a regular person, someone he can control. I need to find out what he already knows about me, also I need to find a way to contact Victor as soon as possible.

- Okay

After a long pause, I answer trying to pretend I don't want this.
Khan claps his hands once satisfied and gets on his feet.

- Good. Since we got to a deal let's do this. You come with me.
- Now? Where?

I ask legitimately surprised but Khan sends me a menacing glance. I broke one of his rules.

- No questions. Got it.

He drags me outside the bedroom through the hallway.

- You know you don't need to drag me around every time, right? You could just ask.

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