Happily ever after

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We're both out of breath, panting. Khan rests his forehead on mine, I feel overwhelmed. I don't know why this man attracts me so much, the man I should hate.

There's something in his eyes, a darkness like a deep abyss I find myself getting closer and closer to the edge, closer to losing myself.

I need to fight myself to get out of his arms, I pull away and straighten my dress.

- This can't happen again, ever again.

My voice is shaky, Khan looks at me confused. I get out and walk to the car, one minute late he joins me but we don't talk about the steamy kiss or any other thing all the way back home.

Later that day we still didn't talk much but I can't stop thinking how far I crossed the line.

- We're leaving today.

Khan is back to his straight shooting orders mode.

- Do you think it's safe?
- I don't think we'll have problems. The men who shot are dead anyway.

I know who sent those men is far from over, but I don't have a choice. Khan walk to the driver's side, after the incident on the shooting club I don't think this is the best idea.

- You shouldn't drive, you can bleed again.

He pause middle step considering my words. Our dynamics are not really clear, the marriage is only on paper, I shoot him, I take care of his wound, we kissed.

Khan turn around and hands over the car keys. I pause for a moment, I expected a little more fight

- We're going to your place, right?

I still refuse to call his penthouse as our place or home. To me this marriage is a temporary thing.

- To the mansion.

I manage to hide my disappointment and start the car. I don't like his house either but at least I wouldn't have to deal with his family.

As soon as get to the door everyone rush to meet Khan, it's the first time they see him after the wedding.

- Khan, what they did to you? You look so pale! You should have straight to home, we would take care of you properly.

Mrs Derya is over dramatic as always.

- We're ok, grandma.
- But you got shot!

Khan glance at me, we share a look. He didn't told them how he got shot, they probably know the same story we told the cops.

- It was nothing.

Volkan puts an arm around my shoulders and place a chaste kiss on my temple.

- I'm glad you didn't got shot too, this house would be really boring without you.
- It was just a strain, thank you Volkan.

I smile back at him, Khan throw darts with his eyes in Volkan's direction. He was actually really kind this time I can't understand why he got upset.

- Do you already know who did this?

I carefully pay attention to Hakan, he acts like he don't know anything about it but I'd never discard him as suspect.

- No, it's hard to investigate now the cops are involved but I'm not sure I was the only target.
- How come?

Hakan seems a lot more interested now

- Someone has been following Esra.

It's a reasonable explanation although I'm still not sure he's not involved.

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