New promises

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10 months later...

I open my eyes slowly, I haven't slept so well for several months. I stretch my body lazily until reality crashes over me.

I look out the window, the day is already clear. I overslept. I quickly sit up ready to get up but I stop when I see Khan standing in the room, holding our son, who smiles and throws his arms up as soon as he sees me.

This has been my favorite view, the man I love and our son.

- "Good morning mom. Did you sleep well?"

Khan smiles at me and sits down by my side, Aslan then throws himself at me.

He is now six months old, a happy, smart boy. I never thought that a big love could arise in such a short time, but everything about my life with Khan is like this, big, fast, and intense.

- "Why didn't you wake me up? He must be hungry."

Khan kisses me and caresses Aslan's hair I breastfeed him.

- "You were sleeping so soundly, I let you sleep a little longer."
- "I really needed it."

Since Aslan was born we have had very little sleep, but each day is better than the other.

Sometime later the baby finally falls asleep in my arms so I can put him in the crib.

He sleeps sweetly as I run my hand through his hair, Khan hugs me from behind and kisses my shoulder.

- "He looks more like you every day."

He speaks and smiles behind me.

- "But the temper is yours."

I answer with a raised eyebrow.

- "That's a good thing, isn't it?"

I don't answer, I just laugh and we leave the room.

- "I'll eat something before he wakes up, have you already eaten?"
- "I'm not that hungry, I have some things to do.  We can have lunch together when I get back."

It's not the first time Khan has left the house so early without explaining where he's going, I usually don't mind, but lately he's been acting weird.  It's been tiring this week without him around.

- "Of course, we'll see you later."

I respond with a slight smile, he kisses my forehead and leaves.

I don't have much time to think about Khan, soon Aslan wakes up again.

The day goes on like any other, I split between work and taking care of the baby, now that my dad is back it's much easier to deal with the business, although I'm still ahead of the family.

The Karayağız and Akinci families now form one large organization. Nothing happens on this side of town that I don't know about.

Khan promised we would have lunch together but he didn't come home. Zehra called me asking to see Aslan, so I decide to go to her house without waiting for Khan.

- "Look who's arrived! Grandma missed you."
- "Hi Zehra."
- "Welcome, my daughter."

She hugs me and takes Aslan from me, just like Aylin, he also loves his grandmother.

I watch as they play on the living room rug, I think she realizes there's something wrong with me.

- "Is everything all right, my dear?"
- "Yes of course"

I smile but Zehra already knows me pretty well, he's the closest thing to the mother I haven't had.

- "Are you sure? Is something wrong between you and Khan?"
- "No, we're fine... But he's been acting weird, like he's in trouble but doesn't want to tell me."
- "Khan likes to keep things for himself, but it shouldn't be anything. Don't worry about it."

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