Save the last dance for me

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Khan is pinning me to the wall shielding me with his body.

- You could get rid of me anytime, you know?

I speak to him defiantly looking into his eyes.
Khan stares into my eyes then his eyes drop to my lips, his Adam's apple bobs, he lets go of me as if it burns his hands.

At the same moment the school principal enters the room and we split.

- Is everything fine here?
- Yes, sure.

We both answer at the same time.

- Aylin is talking to her teacher. I am very happy that you both are here, it is very important that the family is involved. Mrs Esra did a great job today, Aylin finally explained why she was upset and apologized. I'm glad she has good role models at home.

The two of us exchange a look, I guess we're selling this fake marriage very well.

- We should go talk with them.

I suggest trying to get rid of this awkward situation the faster I can.
The principal walks ahead, Khan hold my arm and speaks in my ear.

- I'll deal with you later.

I don't even know what does he means, this single phase could have plenty of means at this point.

- Whatever it means.

I free my arm stepping ahead join the principal leaving Khan behind.

It's been almost two weeks since I married Khan Karayağız and my life has turned upside down. Hakan is still alive, Khan found out I'm a mafia heiress and nearly ruined the whole plan so I've decided I'll wait for things to calm down a bit before getting back into action.
Things are very messed up, we're currently in the mansion. I guess Khan don't want to be alone with me, he has more eyes to watch me here.
We have barely met even living in the same house, since we had sex we never addressed the subject. It was a mistake to be forgotten.

I'm in my room reading a book in the afternoon, that's what I usually do when I'm not trying to gather information about Karayağız family business.

Khan opens the door without any ceremony, which is what he usually does.

- Mr Karayağız, to what do I owe your illustrious presence?

Khan ignores my sarcastic welcome.

- We're going out tonight, you'll come with me to Gani Yorgoz's annual cocktail party.

My heart skips a beat, if the party belongs to Gani it's likely that my uncle will be there along with other important families, someone might talk too much about my position and Khan would find out that I lied about giving up being heiress.

- Why are you accept an invitation of someone you hate?
-I think you know what the famous proverb says about enemies.
- "...Keep your enemies closer." I'm sure you follow this proverb closely, after all you wanted to marry me.

Khan clicks his tongue mocking my remark. He gets closer and run the back of his hand on my hair.

- We're not enemies, Esra. You're my partner, don't forget it.

I turn my face away from him, his proximity makes me uneasy. Khan take his hand and walk away

- I don't want to go, I don't want to get involved in your dirty business.
- You're my wife, you should be by my side in those events or people might get suspicious.
- Take your girlfriend, then. I believe they think it's very natural to a man in your group to have a mistress. It would solve both problems, your Problem with company and making this marriage believable.
- I don't know what marriage references you had but I believe in the honor of marriage, I'm a faithful man to my family, I don't have mistresses.

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