Prince Charming

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Khan just told everyone during breakfast we're getting married in two days.
At the table, everyone is in shock, including me. After a long pause, Dilan jumps from her place to hug Khan.

- Oh my God! Khan!

Dilan jumps to hug Khan, It's the first time I've seen any kind of interaction between them besides Khan shouting orders.
Dilan hugs Khan then turns to me, I notice she's a little unsure but hugs me anyway. I don't know how to react, Khan just watches.

- My big brother is getting married, I thought I'd never see this day!

Volkan as always jokes about the situation to tease Khan.

- It was really fast but I'm happy for you, my son. Congratulations.

Hakan shakes Khan's hand but I can't tell if he's honest.
Mrs. Derya is in shock, her face contorts but she doesn't say anything.  Defne looks at Khan frighteningly, she seems to be on the verge of a meltdown, but I have my problems to worry about now.

- It's Enough, I have to leave now.  I have some business to take care of, when I get back we'll go to your place to get your documents.

I don't know what to say, everything is happening so fast, I have to get in touch with Victor before Khan has access to more info about me.

- Come on, I will take you back to your room.

Khan takes me back to the room, I don't know how I'm going to be able to talk to Victor if he never leaves me alone. In front of the bedroom, one of Khan's men guards the door.

- Are you fucking serious? Will you lock me all day like a prisoner?

He locks me in the room ignoring my protests and leaves. Inside the room, I burn my brain thinking how to get rid of this.

A few hours later I hear a noise outside the room, seems that someone is arguing, then the door burst open.

Mrs. Derya appears at the door, Khan's man is standing behind her not knowing what to do. She invades the room very angry.

- I know what you're trying to do, I know you hide something. I don't know what you did to convince my grandson about this marriage but I won't let you.

I keep silent, she has no idea what she's talking about. Dilan comes right behind her very scared

- Grandma! What are you doing? Khan said no one should bother Esra.

Dilan tries to make her calm down finally she leaves.

- I'm so sorry, Esra. Don't worry, grandma will come along at some point, she just needs a little time.

Dilan apologizes very embarrassedly.  I don't even care what happened when I notice that Dilan has the phone with her.

- Don't worry, I understand must be difficult for her. I'll be fine, you should check on Mrs. Derya.
- Sure, I'm sorry again.

Very carefully without her noticing I take the phone and hide it. As soon as she leaves the room I sigh in relief, finally, I call Victor.

- Victor it's me. I need you to do something very quickly.
- Esra! Wait, what's going on? Where are you?
- Victor listen to me. I'm fine, I need you to do something.
- Esra you're mia since you left the club last night, of course, we're worried about you.
- I know, I know but I don't have much time now, I promise I'll tell you everything later.
- Esra someone filled a request for a wedding license. What's going on?
- He was faster than I thought...
- What? Esra is this for real?
- No! I mean it is but I'll take care of this but now I need your help. Listen carefully, I need you to bring back the files we deleted about me and my family. Everything besides the info about my father and my police records.
- Uh oh... Are you sure? Your police file is quite extensive.
- This is not the time for joking, Victor.
- Ok ok. Got it. I'm on it now.
- Thank you, Victor.
- Esra, someone has been trying to access your police files.
- I know, it's Khan Karayağız.
- Are you sure you're ok?
- I'll be. I'll talk to you soon, ok? Bye.

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