New Route

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- She's with me, father.

I glance at Khan, I'm furious but there's nothing I can do. He's claiming me in front of his father. Hakan raises an eyebrow, I still hope he will interfere.

- Right. My son is at home for the first time in years. Let him have the good stuff.

He only waves with a hand, this is the sign of his approval. I try to get away but Khan tightens the grip around me.  He takes me to a secluded corner on the couch making me sit on his lap.

He slides his hand down my side resting at my hip. He's playing his part. From the outside, it looks like we're hooking up.

- What do you think you're doing?

Khan just ignores me sipping his drink. I try to get up but he stops me.  I'm confused, I don't understand what he wants from me.

- Did you think it would be easy to come here and make some money?

He thinks I wanted to get money from his father. He probably has seen this happen many times, but why does he care now?

- And you thought you could get rid of what happened out there, by giving me money?
-Isn't that why you came here?

Our faces are very close, from the outside it may seem like we're in an intimate moment but the truth is Khan doesn't give a damn about me.  For the first time, he demonstrates something for me, disdain.
His hand on my leg burns my skin but his gaze is freezing.

So I change my plan, now Khan Karayağız is also my target.  But I won't kill him as I'll do to his father.  I will destroy his life like Hakan destroyed mine when he took my father from me.  I'll leave him alone, I'll destroy everything he cares about.

One of the men approaches and says something to the other. There's something wrong going on.  Khan immediately gets up leaving me on the sofa. I watch them trying to understand the conversation.  It sounds very serious.

Then Khan returns grabs me by the hand and take me out with him along with several men.

We make our way through the club, no one dares to stay in his way as he cuts through the crowd with me by the hand. I see people watching us whispering
We exit through a side door that leads into an alley beside the club.  Other men from Hakan are already there, a person is lying on the ground injured and another man kneeling with a very bruised face.

Khan takes the lead and speaks to the kneeling man.

- Do you know whose territory this is?
- I'm sorry Mr. Karayağız.
- Gani knows I don't want his crap here.

Khan shoots the man who was already on the ground while the kneeling man begs for his life, then Khan puts the pistol to his forehead.

- Go and tell Gani this is my final warning, I don't want to see his pimps and whores in Karayağız territory.

Without thinking twice the man flees disappearing into the darkness.

- Get rid of this.

Khan points to the corpse lying in the alley and hands the gun to one of his men but they don't have time for that.  Sirens are heard approaching.

In a hurry but unfazed, Khan takes me by the hand and drags me into another empty alley.  The police quickly take over the place.

A few cops run down the street, Khan quickly pulls me under an abandoned marquee.  He pushes me against the wall, pressing his body against mine,  his face mere inches from mine.  I feel his heart pounding, though his face remains impassive, it's the first sign of life I see in him. The cops walk down the street without noticing us, Khan finally let go of me.

He walks ahead but I'm still standing in the middle of the street, refusing to follow him.

When he notices I'm not following, Khan turns around.

- Walk, now!
- Who do you think you are?
- Move!
- I won't follow you another step.
- I'm not asking.

A muscle in his jaw twitches, he's very angry.  Khan approaches and speaks to me menacingly.

- I said MOVE.
- You can't tell me what to do, I'm not going anywhere. I didn't ask for your help, I can't take care of myself.
- Do you think I care? You just saw me shooting a man, I'm not leaving you behind to talk with the cops. Now get in the car, I don't think you would like the alternative.

I consider my options, maybe this is the chance to get closer to Hakan again. Then I follow Khan to the car.

- Where are we going?

Khan takes his phone ignoring me again.

- No, I left. I'm on my way now. I'm taking care of this.

While he talks on the phone I wonder if I could call my people but it would be very risky.
I try to get my phone to send a message but Khan takes it from my hand.

- What do you think you're going?
- I would just let my friends know I'm okay.
- You'll not speak with anyone.
- You can't do this.

He takes my phone and throws it out of the window.

- No! Are you crazy?

Now I'm by myself till I find a way to escape or to talk with my friends. The driver keeps his eyes on the road ignoring what's going on in the back seat.

After what seems like half an hour we arrive at a mansion just outside downtown.

- Get out.

This is the only thing I heard from Khan. We leave the car, he walks in front of me always checking his phone. As soon as we enter the large living room an elderly woman is waiting.

- Khan, what happened? I hear someone got hurt.
- Not me grandma.
- Oh thank God!

Then she finally notice me standing behind Khan. She does a once over at me and then turns her attention to him again.

- Who is she?

Khan ignores her question taking me by the hand and dragging me upstairs. Not that he knew how to respond, he didn't even ask my name.

- What are we doing here?

Again there's no answer. He ushers me inside a large suite but I'm done with his attitude.

- What do you think you're doing? You better give me some answers now.
- You'll stay here, don't leave this room.

He's barely looking at me. I know I came with him in the hope I have another chance to kill Hakan but I'm on the verge of breaking my word on not killing Khan too.

- I'm not doing anything before you tell me why I'm here.
- Great, this is exactly what you have to do.

He walks to leave the room but I stop him from holding his arm.

- I'm talking with you!

Khan looks down at my hand on his arm. With a single movement, he turns me around and pushes me into the wall. He pins me against the wall, his gaze is threatening.

- I told you to stay here, this is all you need to know. Don't try me.

It takes me by surprise, I almost fail to avoid my urge to fight back.  I didn't expect him to be kind to women.
His jaw twitches, I imagine he's not used to being defied. Khan blinks, something crosses his eyes, his breathing is labored.
Then he releases me and leaves the room, I hear the lock turning then the steps move away from the door.

I look around the room, there are no personal objects. I believe it's a guest room.

- (I need to find a way to leave this room)

Maybe half an hour goes by without anything happening. So I decided to try and open the door which is locked. I knock on the door and scream in the hope that someone will hear me.

- Is anyone there? Open this door, you can't keep me locked in here!

I bang at the door and scream over and over. A long time passes before the door finally opens, but it's not Khan.
A young woman stares at me with expectant eyes.

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