Collateral damage

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- Ma'am? Mrs. Karayağız?
- It's Akinci, my last name is Akinci. 

I'm numb, didn't even realize the lawyer was talking to me.

- Well, I guess that answers whether you want to keep your husband's last name.

He takes notes while I stare into space.

- We will have to carry out a survey of the assets.
- I don't think it's necessary, we got married with total separation of property, besides that we were married for less than two months, we don't have assets together.
- Okay, but we better be careful. What about children?

Now I give him a knowing look.

- I said we were married just over a month.

He nods his head.

- These are just questions the judge will ask. These details can slow down the process.
- No. I don't care how much it will cost, I want this marriage to end as soon as possible.
- Yes ma'am. I think we're done for today, I'll get back to you as soon as I file the process.
- Do it.

He leaves, the day is almost raising. I'm in my real home, Victor is with me. He's watching me carefully like he doesn't know what to say.

- I'm okay, Victor. This is what I wanted, it was about time.
- You don't look okay.
- I'll not be in peace while Hakan Karayağız is still breathing.
- Well, I believe he'll enforce his security now.
- I'll get to him, If Khan gets in my way, I am not responsible for what will happen to him.
- You better think calmly, you're on edge now.
- Of course I'm angry, anger is my fuel.

Two days have passed since the catastrophic night, I'm still in my house, Khan didn't look for me. I don't think he could either since he doesn't know my real home.

I meet the lawyer, he found something he needs to tell me.

- Ms. Akinci, we found a strange move in one of your accounts.
- (Strange handling of my accounts isn't unusual in my business, but I can't tell a lawyer about it.)
- Which account?
- An account linked to your father's inheritance.

He gets my attention, I figured it was a company-linked account.

- Does this have anything to do with the divorce process?
- Not exactly, we don't actually know.  I just did a survey of your assets and it stood out.
- If it's not about the divorce, you can let me solve it myself.
- Yes ma'am.
- That's all?
- Yes, now we need your husband signature.
- Okay.
- If you're not comfortable meeting him we can send the papers.
- No, i have no problem meeting him, also i want to make sure he signs this as soon as possible.
- Then I'll arrange a meeting.

The lawyer leaves, now I have to find out what's going on with the bank account.

- Victor.
- Yes, ma'am.
- I have a job for you
- Esra, you have no idea how happy I am for have you back. I thought you'd never come back.
- I'm glad to be back too.

I don't know why my words sounds empty.

- What do you need?
- I need you to check what's going on with my inheritance account. Check with the accountants first.
- Sure. I'll do it right now.

Two days later I meet the lawyer at a restaurant to sign the divorce papers, I honestly don't think Khan will come. When I no longer expect him to show up, Khan arrives.

[Khan POV]

Until the last minute I debated in my mind whether or not I should come to this meeting, but I couldn't help it.

When I walk into the restaurant I see Esra sitting at a table with a man I assume is her lawyer. I don't know why the way she smiles at him bothers me. I shouldn't care.

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