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For the next few days I can't stop thinking about Zoltan's words. I haven't forgotten about my revenge, but I'm getting more and more involved with Khan.

I don't know if he still suspects my involvement in the family business but he doesn't hide his business from me anymore. The plan of ​​helping him with the shipment worked, Khan began to trust me but I don't know if I can fully trust him.

Again we're at his mother's house, Ms. Zehra is always nice to me differently from the rest of his family. She hasn't had any other crises in the last few days, maybe Khan's presence has helped.
I play the role of daughter-in-law, but I know this lie will have to end one day, I shouldn't let her get attached to me.

- Esra, Khan told me you like black tea too, I ordered a very special one, it came from Turkey. I know you will love it. Funny how similar you both are Khan also loves black tea.
- Thank you, it's very kind of you. I really love black tea.

She has no idea how little I know about Khan other than his business. Even though I've been living with him for weeks I know almost nothing about his tastes or anything else personal.

- That way you'll make me jealous, you never sent tea to me when I was away.
- Don't be silly, Khan. I have to spoil my daughter-in-law, besides that I did it on purpose to make you come back faster.

Khan smiles, I'm still getting used to this laid back side of him. I find myself looking at him in awe.

When I snap back Mrs Zehra is looking at me with a knowing smile. I quickly look away, thankfully my phone rings. Lately it always makes me tense, Khan immediately looks at the phone in my hand, he controls my steps less but still maintains some vigilance.

- It's my uncle.
- Oh! You should answer it honey, go ahead.

Mrs Zehra speaks and Khan can't do anything in front of her so I go out to answer. It's not common for my uncle Alper to call me, it must be something important. I go to another room to call him.

- Uncle, you called me. Something happened?
- We need to talk, Esra. Come to my office.

My uncle was never really close to me, after my father's death he took control of the family business but Zoltan was the one by my side, he became my family.

- Now is not a good time.
- Find the time, it's important.
- I'll see what I can do.

He turn off the call without any other words, when I turn back Khan is behind me.

- Is everything ok?
- Yes, he wants to meet me, has been a while.

Khan nod once, I'm not sure he's convinced.

- I'll take you there.

I know Khan is trying to sound understanding but he still keeps his watch on me.

- Khan, I haven't seen my family since I got married, they will start to get worried.
- I don't care what others think, you are my wife. I don't want you walking around alone, it's dangerous.
- Dangerous for who? Both of us know why you don't want me to go without you.
- Esra...

Khan pauses as if fighting an internal battle.

- Last time I barely made it in time.
- Yes, but I was the one who fired. I can take care of myself, Khan.

He runs a hand through his hair, a few weeks ago we wouldn't even discuss this subject. He gets very close and speaks looking into my eyes, he looks tortured.

- I won't be at ease if you leave alone.

The intensity in his eyes and the honesty in his voice hit me hard.

- I'll take security with me, would you be more relaxed?

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