05. Try

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Carly and Aisha got out of Carly's car, tieing the strings on their gis.

"Is it supposed to be this... scratchy?" Carly asked as she tugged on the sleeve on the gi.

"Did you wear a shirt under?" Aisha asked with a raised brow and a small smile.

Carly parted her lips to respond but just sighed, beginning to walk towards the dojo.

Aisha laughed before following after her bestfriend.

The two walked into the dojo, eyes wide at all the new students.

"Guess Miguel's fight must've attracted a whole lot of new students." Aisha said as the two girls kicked their slippers off at the door.

"Guess so." Carly had replied as she looked around for a familiar face.

Suddenly, the bell behind Aisha and Carly dinged, causing the two to turn to see who had just entered.

A smile grew on Carly's face at the sight of her newest friend, Sofia.

"Sofia." Carly smiled at the girl.

"Hey, I came." Sofia smiled as she took off her shoes before walking up to Carly.

Carly had texted Sofia the location of the dojo last night, seeing as she had given her her number after dinner, but she didn't expect for the girl to show up to the dojo.

"Thought you said your dojo barely had students? This seems full to me." Sofia said as she looked around

"They just joined today." Aisha told Sofia before extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Aisha."

"I'm Sofia, Carly's next door neighbour." Sofia smiled as she shook Aisha's hand.

"Oh, so you're the infamous Sofia that Carly wouldn't shut up about during the carride here." Aisha laughed, Carly's smile not faltering as she jabbed Aisha in the side of her stomach.

Sofia smirked, about to make a joke but was cut off by Johnny.

"Quiet!" Johnny yelled, causing everyone to quiet down.

"That's our cue, see you in a bit." Carly smiled before making her way to the front of the class with Aisha, and standing next to Miguel.

"Face front." Johnny yelled, walking around the dojo and inspecting the students.

"Nice shirt." He mumbled to Demetri.


"I'm joking, it sucks." Johnny spat, causing Demetri to frown.

"Word of advice, if you got shit for teeth, dont smile." Johnny said out loud. "My god, makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you!"

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers. I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out." Johnny started. "But my short time as a sensei, l've also seen some miracles."

Johnny looked proudly towards Miguel, Aisha and also Carly.

"So maybe there's some hope for you yet." Johnny said. "First I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!"

All the students looked around confusedly.

"That means line up."

The students began forming a single line behind Miguel, causing Carly to let out a sigh.

"No, not... not line up in a line. Lines. Get in lines." Johnny said frustratedly.

"You mean, like, rows?" Demetri questioned, a brow raised.

Hopelessly Devoted To You - Miguel DiazWhere stories live. Discover now