09. After Effects

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⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of SA


Carly next to the toilet, sniffling.

A single tear drop had escaped her eyes as she stared into the toilet, her face void of any emotions.

The eyebags under her eyes showed that she was very tired, the only thing someone could've made out if they looked at her

The girl hadn't slept.

She couldn't sleep.

Everytime she shut her eyes, she would replay everything that had happened the night before.

Everything that her father had done to her.

Suddenly Carly felt nauseous again.

She quickly put her head over the toilet bowl, puking into it.

After she had finished puking, the girl let out a shaky breath, wiping her mouth.

Her eyes watered from how much she had puked.

She was still in the same clothes as last night, she couldn't take it off.

She couldn't do anything.

"Hey Carly, you in there?" A voice called out as they knocked on the bathroom door.

Carly furrowed her brows at the familiar voice.

"Hey, Eli." Carly answered back.

"You alright? I heard someone puking." Hawk said from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I think I ate some bad food." Carly answered.

"You haven't been responding to my texts and calls and you didn't come to training today. Sofia was gonna come check up on you but I offerred to instead, so um, you okay?" Hawk asked with a clear of his throat.

"I'm fine, I just need to be alone. I'll catch up later." Carly said from over the toilet.

Hawk frowned before sighing.

"Fine. See you later." Hawk sighed out before he went away.

Inside of the bathroom, Carly knew that she had to get out of the dress.

She took off her dress, leaving her in her bra and underwear

Carly folded the dress up, getting a plastic bag from her cupboards before putting the dress inside.

Carly looked at herself in the mirror.

Her undereyebags were huge, she looked pale and bruises littered her stomach and arms.

Carly let out a shaky breath before she had began crying again.

She tried her best to silence her cries.

Suddenly, her phone ringed, startling the girl.

Her phone had veen ringing nonstop the entire day but the girl kept ignoring it.

The girl ignored her phone once more, turning to the mirror.

A tear slipped from Carly's eyes, dripping unto the counter.


Carly sat on her bed, staring at the floor as she bit her nails.

On the bed next to her were the clothes she was sexually assaulted in.

A soft knock was heard on the door and Carly stopped biting her nails. "I said go away mom."

"Not your mom." The voice called back.

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