03. Presentation Crashers

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Carly bit her thumb nail as she scrolled through her messages with Sofia.

Carly had messaged and called her girlfriend multiple times since yesterday, but her calls had went to voicemail and the messages were left on delivered.

It stressed Carly out because she hadn't heard from Sofia in days.

"I'm happy that you're heading back out to karate." Diane smiled as she entered the room.

Carly looked up from her phone.

"Yeah, I am too." Carly gave her mom a small smile.

"Hey, before I forget, my boss invited me and two guests to his birthday dinner Thursday night." Diane said as she packed her stuff into her bag. "So I'm inviting you and you can invite one of your friends, but if you're inviting the one with the Mohawk please tell him that it's a fancy dinner."

Carly nodded, licking her dry lips. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up.

"Mom, have they found Ralph yet?"

Diane sighed as she put her bag on her shoulder. "No, honey but I promise they're going to find him okay?"

"Okay." Carly nodded.

Diane placed a small kiss on the girl's forehead. "I'm going to work, bye honey."

"Bye." Carly whispered before her mother walk off.


"Show no mercy, unless it's his son. Then we gotta be pussies." Carly heard Hawk say as she walked up to him and Miguel.

"What were you guys talking about?" Carly asked, seeing as she had just came from the washroom.

"Remember the dick at the tournament we told you about? Robby Keene?" Hawk asked the girl.

"Mr. Larusso's student? Yeah." Carly nodded as she folded her arms.

"Yeah well, he's sensei's son." Miguel said with a clenched jaw.

The two waited for a reaction from Carly but was confused when they didn't get any.

"Aren't you shocked?" Hawk had asked as he frowned.

"I was when I found out. Daniel told my mom infront of me, I guess it slipped my mind until now." Carly shrugged, Miguel and Hawk exchanging a tired glance.

"Carly, you-"

"You guys, have you seen the commercial?" Aisha asked as she approached her three best friends. "Sam's dad started his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai."

Carly, Miguel and Hawk all exchanged glances before Carly pulled out her phone.


"This video is bullshit." Carly said with a clenched jaw as Miguel powered off her phone.

"Right? Mr Larusso has taken it too far." Aisha frowned as Miguel tucked Carly's phone into her bag for her.

"We need to get revenge." Hawk said as he looked around at his friends.

"What're we going to do? Egg his house?" Carly rolled her eyes.

"Let's not resort to vandilisation." Aisha quickly said, Miguel nodding along.

The group didn't get to discuss anymore as Johnny had exited from his office.

"Miss Robinson, get your phone out. We have work to do."


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