02. The start

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"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament.

It was the next day and the students stood, looking at their senseis.

"But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny had said to them.

"We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing.." Daniel had trailed off.

"So we've discussed it to come up with a solution." Johnny had said, Miguel and Carly exchanging a glance. "We're gonna divide and conquer."

"Divide and conquer?" Carly had repeated softly with a frown.

"Eagle Fangs trains out front." Johnny had explained.

"And I'll be back here with the Miyai-Do's." Daniel said.

"But I thought we were stronger working together?" Miguel had asked with a frown.

"We're still working together." Daniel had quickly said.

"Just seperately." Johnny added. "On opposite ends of the dojo."

Carly frowned at this, clearing her throat as she folded her arms.

"Alright, Eagles! Follow me!" Johnny had instructed before walking off.

"Miyagi-Do's, come on over here." Daniel had called as he also walked off.

The students all said their goodbyes before following after their senseis.

Andy, Sam, Carly and Miguel lagged behind.

"This is so stupid." Carly had frowned. "We're supposed to be training together."

"I know." Sam had frowned with folded arms. "I'll talk to my dad after."

"Alright." Miguel nodded. "See you guys after class."

"Bye." Carly had gave Andy and Sam a nod.

"Bye." Sam smiled back before the four went their seperate ways.

Eagle-Fang arrived at the front of the Miyagi-Do dojo, looking to their sensei.

"Hawk." Johnny had called out for the red-haired boy. "Since you're new to Eagle Fang, come on up."

"Yes sensei." Hawk had said as he bowed before walking over to Johnny.

Johnny had got down, sweeping Hawk off his feet.

Hawk collided unto the sand floor with a groan. "What the heck!"

"Today we're gonna practice our front sweeps." Johnny had said as Hawk got up. "On Hawk."

Carly frowned at this, glancing to Miguel who shrugged.

"Alright, I know I was a dick.. but I'm sorry." Hawk had said softly to Johnny.

"Talk is cheap." Johnny had said to Hawk. "Who's next?"

Everyone stood still, not wanting to hurt Hawk even though he had hurt them.

"Davidson, come on up." Johnny had looked to the girl, causing her to inhale sharply before exhaling.

Carly walked up to Hawk who looked at her with wide eyes.

"Sorry." Carly said to him before she quickly sweeped him off his feet.

Hawk hit the ground with a groan.


The group was now in a circle with Hawk in the middle, taking chances at practicing their kicks and punches at Hawk.

Hopelessly Devoted To You - Miguel DiazWhere stories live. Discover now