02. First Day Back

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Carly inhaled and exhaled sharply as she looked in the mirror.

She wore her gi and was preparing mentally to go back out to karate since what happened.

A week or more had passed and the girl was tired of being home alone everyday, although Diane would call and check up on the girl every five minutes from the hospital.

Hawk would also call the girl a lot and come check up on her.

Sofia came over once a day to make sure Carly was okay before leaving.

Carly felt as if she and Sofia was slolwy drifiting away but hoped it was all in her head.

Miguel checked up on Carly a lot, twice everyday to be exact.

"You sure you ready to go back out to karate?" A voice asked from the door.

Carly sighed out, already knowing that it was Hawk because she had let him in earlier.

"I'm sure." Carly nodded to herself before turning to face Hawk. "I'm just a little nervous but I'll be fine."

Hawk gave the girl a small smile before walking up to her, wrapping her in a hug.

Carly quickly wrapped her arms around Hawk's torso and the two hugged before Hawk pulled away, ruffling the shorter girl's hair.

"I'm proud of you." Hawk had said, a smile on his face.

"I know." Carly beamed before she began to walk off. "Come on, let's go. We have to pick up Miguel."


"Can one of you guys come with me, I wanna buy a Redbull." Carly asked with as she got out of the car. "I uh, don't wanna go alone."

"I'll come with you." Miguel offered, throwing his arm around Carly.

"Alright, see you guys." Hawk said, wiggling his eyebrows before walking towards the dojo.

Miguel and Carly let out a small laugh and rolled their eyes before the two began walking to the store at the corner of the strip mall.

The walk was quiet and they entered the store in a comfortable silence.

"Uh, how are things with you and Sofia?" Miguel had asked as they walked towards the refridgerators.

"To be honest, I think we've been drifting apart. She's just been so distant and I don't know if it's because what happened to me or if she has something personal going on." Carly sighed out as she pulled out two Redbulls from the store fridge.

"She probably has something personal going on. I don't think she would become distant because of... you know.." Miguel trailed off.

"Yeah, maybe it's just all in my head." Carly sighed out as she also pulled out a beer from the fridge.

"A beer?" Miguel questioned with a raised brow.

"For sensei." Carly smiled as she walked towards the counter, placing down everything before giving the man her fake i.d and the money.

The cashier eyed the card before he shrugged.

He then put everything in a bag and handed the fake i.d and drinks back to Carly.

Carly took it, giving the cashier a small smile before she and Miguel began to walk off.

Carly reached into the bag, pulling out one of the Redbulls and handing it to Miguel.

"Thanks." Miguel smiled at the girl as he took it.

"No problem." Carly hummed out.

The two drank out their Redbulls before dumping it in a bin infront of the dojo and then heading inside.

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