09. Moon's Party

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"Ahh my first high school party!" Anna exclaimed as she got out of Carly's car. "I'm gonna get so drunk tonight, you guys better take care of me."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna be drinking anyways." Carly said as she slammed the car door shut, locking the car once Andy was also out of the car.

"What? Why?" Anna asked loudly. "You have to get drunk with me as well. You know how weird it is to be the only drunk person? And before you say anything, no matter how much Andy drinks, he never gets drunk so he's out of the picture."

"I'm just not in the mood to drink alright? I didn't even want to come to this stupid party." Carly said, kicking small pebbles as the three made their way to Moon's house.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there." Anna said as she jumped infront of Carly. "We're not going into this party if you're in a bad mood so let me play therapist. Tell me why you didn't want to come to this quote un quote stupid party."

Carly looked to Andy who just shrugged before looking away.

Carly let out a sigh, rolling her eyes. "This girl that hates my guts and this dude that I have a crush on are gonna be there."

"Carly, you need to loosen up. You need to show those bozos that they don't affect you and you they don't even exist to you." Anna said, causing Carly to roll her eyes playfully, a small smile on her face.

"You know what? You're right." Carly said, causing Anna to beam. "I'm gonna get drunk and I don't care who's gonna be there."

"That's the spirit!" Anna exclaimed, laughing.

"Now come on!"


Carly walked into the living room, smiling at the sight of Hawk.

"Eli, hey!"

Hawk looked towards the voice, smiling at Carly before he glanced to the teen dude behind her.

"Hey, you!" Hawk exclaimed, pointing to the boy as he hit Mitch's shoulder.

"That's the dude from the restaurant!" Mit h exclaimed before all the boys on the couch jumped up, running towards Andy.

Andy widened his eyes before he took off.

"What the hell?" Carly's eyebrows furrowed before she also ran after the group.

After a few minutes of running, she made it outside where Hawk and the group had tackled Andy.

"Get the hell off of him!" Carly yelled as she pulled Hawk off of Andy.

"Stay out of this, Carly." Hawk spat as Carly successfully pulled everyone off of Andy.

"No, I don't think I will." Carly snapped before she helped Andy up. "You good?"

Andy nodded, dusting off his clothes before he looked to Hawk and his gang.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?" Carly asked with a frown.

"Yeah, I'll tell you, that bitch robbed us of our food awhile back and then locked us in a freezer." Hawk said, glaring at the boy with flared nostrils.

Carly turned to face Andy with furrowed brows. "This true?"

Andy sadly nodded, causing Carly to sigh out, massaging her temples.

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