Jealousy | Shun X Reader

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To celebrate the end and victory of our last mission, Saori invited Seiya and all of his friends, including me, to a feast. All the boys now have their drinks in their hands, and are chatting with each other. So far, it looks like it's been a very joyful moment for everyone. Everyone except for me.

I'm apart from the group of friends. My glass of water in my hand, I just can't do anything but look at Shun and Hyoga, at the other side of the room. They look so close. Hyoga has his arm around Shun's shoulders. I can't really hear what they're saying, but every now and then, I see Shun burst out in laughter at what Hyoga says. It even looks like he's crying.

I love seeing him that happy. But there's something in the way they look at each other that feels wrong to me. Even before, I've seen them being kinda touchy with each other and doing what looked a lot like flirting. They always say that they're not dating, but Hyoga also said he'd been having doubts about his sexual orientation, so I can't help but feel like it makes sense.

When I first met Seiya and his friends, Shun was the one I was the closest to. I loved all of them, but Shun was often all alone, and sometimes I went up to him to keep him company. I loved making him laugh and listening to him talk about his life and his past. At some point, I started thinking that I liked him more than I thought. But then I saw how close Shun was to Hyoga. Because of moments like this, when they'd chat and laugh together.

I decide that I've seen enough of that for now and I get up out of my chair and go to the kitchen. As I fill up my glass with the tap water, I hear footsteps behind me.

"(Y/N), you okay?" a voice asks me. I turn around and see Seiya, looking at me with concerned face. "So far, you've been alone the whole time."

"Yeah, I'm fine", I answer. But I feel like my tone of voice kinda shows I'm not actually fine.

"(Y/N), I'm your friend," says Seiya. "If something's wrong you can tell me."

What if I don't want people to know? I whisper quietly. But instead of actually answering that, I only fake a smile. "No, I swear I'm fine. Just wait a minute, I'll join all of you guys later."

"Okay. See you then, I guess." He still looks a bit worried. Maybe I'm actually a really bad actor.

I find myself all alone in the kitchen. As I think about the situation that I'm in, I tell myself I should probably just support Shun and Hyoga's relationship, if they're actually together. And most importantly, I should head back where my friends are having the feast before they all start to worry about me.

I rejoin the boys and go to spend time with Ikki, who's been all alone for a while too. He's not very talkative, but it's okay because me neither. At least today, because I'm not in that good of a mood.

|After the end of the feast|

Everyone has eaten a lot, and some of us have drunk a lot, so we've all decided to part ways. I'm happy I managed to ignore Hyoga and Shun most of the time. In its entirety, I guess the day was pretty good.

I'm now sitting on the ground outside, looking at the sky. It's nighttime now and I enjoy how quiet everything is. "Oh, (Y/N), you're here?" a voice calls behind me. I turn around, startled; it's Shun. "I thought you had gone home already."

"No, I've been here since the end of the feast", I smile at him. He has that little shy smile that I've always found purely adorable. "How are you?" I ask.

"I don't know", he says, looking down and shrugging. He comes my way slowly and sits down next to me. "Hyoga just said he had feelings for me."

Oh. Well crap.

"I'm not that surprised", I say with complete honesty. "It kinda showed".

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah. I thought you two were dating already."

Oops. I might have said that a little too frankly.

"W- No!" Shun laughs. "I like girls. I could never date Hyoga. He's my friend. That's why I'm not feeling that well. It was hard for me to reject him."

"Oh... I'm so sorry." I wrap my arms around him. I'm relieved that he's not dating Hyoga, but it's sad to see him in a bad mood. He hugs me back and I just hope we can stay like that for a couple more minutes.

"(Y/N)... I love a girl now. I have liked her for a while, to be honest."

We break the hug and I look in his eyes. This time, I'm not going to act pouty because of the relationship he might get in.

"Really? Who's your future wife?" I tease him.

He chuckles and looks down. "She's a great friend of mine. A very funny girl. These days I haven't been able to spend as much time with her as I used to, and I honestly really miss the times we had. She's kind, supportive, smart, and beautiful." He turns to me and smiles at me. "Sometimes I feel like she's a little more beautiful everytime I look at her."

His eyes go from my face to my hair, and as I look at his eyes, I feel his fingers play with a thin strand of my hair. My smile slowly fades; he's talking about me, isn't he?

I slide a hand behind his neck and my fingers get tangled in his green hair. I see in the way he looks at me that he's okay with what I'm doing. So I pull him towards me and kiss him as softly as I can. His hand that was playing with my hair ends up on my cheek and his lips slowly move against mine.

"She doesn't know how to kiss though", he whispers jokingly when we break the kiss.

"Bitch." I reply, hitting him playfully. "You just ruined a nice moment."

"Aw, don't be mad, (Y/N). I have plenty of time to teach you."

"I have to admit, I don't dislike the sound of that."

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