We Meet Again | Orphee X Sister!Reader

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(this was requested by my wattpad best friend ME0403 ! I hope you like it!

In this oneshot, the reader is a bronze saint. This takes place in the Inferno arc and (Y/N)​ is teaming up with Seiya and Shun.)

(Y/N)'s pov

Seiya, Shun and I run under the rain towards the next Prison. The experience we just had in the first one was already traumatic enough, and I don't know what to expect from the second one. To think there are eight of them...

We stop running, now looking at the big building in front of us. "What is this?" Seiya asks. "Could this be the Second Prison?"

"I'm pretty sure it is," I answer. "Although its design is very different from the First Prison's, I think it may just be another one." While the First Prison looked like a Palace of Justice, this one looks like an ancient Egyptian temple. But there aren't that many ways to know what that place is.

All three of us hurry inside, finally escaping the freezing cold and violent rain. It's dark inside and we can't hear anything else than our own footsteps. It looks like there is no one else here, but we stay cautious. A specter could take us by surprise any second.

We quietly and slowly make our way through the Prison, still not finding anyone. But a noise starts to make itself heard. I suddenly stop walking and stay completely motionless, trying to hear the noise better. "Y'all hear sumn?" I whisper to my friends.

The noise sounds like a growling beast. And it is way too loud for me to think it's not a big deal. "Yes, I can hear it too," says Shun, looking around.

The growl gets closer to us and when its source emerges from the darkness, my heart drops to my stomach. The maker of the noise is the largest beast I have ever seen in my life. It looks like a dog, but with three heads. The dog has six eyes, which shine in the dark as he walks around in the Prison.

I'm too cultivated not to know who this dog is. We're in the Underworld, and this beast has three heads. It can only be Cerberus, the evil dog who kept the gates of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Basically Hades's pet puppy.

Even though he is closer to us now, it looks like he hasn't seen us yet. After two seconds of gawking in horror at the giant dog, I whisper to Seiya and Shun : "we don't have time to confront such a monster. Let's try to walk ahead without being noticed."

They nod and we keep walking ahead slowly. I keep an eye on Cerberus, making sure he doesn't see us. But the boys are wearing metal boots, and their feet's contact with the floor is noisier than it should be. If the dog doesn't hear us, it'll be a miracle.

But after only a few seconds, Cerberus's growl gets louder and I see the creature turn to us. "Oh shit," Seiya murmurs when the dog's eyes lay on us. "RUN!"

Sadly, I don't think we can be fast enough to escape such a huge animal. A normal dog can already be much faster than a human, so this one may already have us in one of its three mouths. We run as fast as possible, but Cerberus is indeed faster.

Before I realize it, the Second Prison is filled with our sudden screams. Cerberus has reached us and Seiya is the first to find himself between his fangs. He keeps his hands above his head and tries to prevent Cerberus's upper jaw from crushing him, to avoid dying eaten. But he does look like he's struggling.

It will be hard to save him without taking the risk of hurting him. I run up to Cerberus and jump to kick him in the eye, hoping it will make him let go of Seiya. But it doesn't seem to have much effect. The dog almost took me in his mouth too, adding me to his lunch.

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