We Meet Again Pt. 2 | Orphee X Sister!Reader

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(omg guys this took such a long time to write! And it's long asf but I hope y'all don't mind. Sorry for taking so much time 🙏)

(Y/N)'s pov

My head spinning and my legs shaking, I take forever to get back up and help my friends do the same. I look around : we have landed in a field of high, bright green grass and colorful flowers. Looking into the distance, I can see the Second Prison. Orphee must have sent us here on purpose. I think he is still always sure of what he does. If he had wanted to kill us, he would have certainly done it.

"Shun, (Y/N), have you seen that over there?" Seiya asks, pointing at something pretty far from us.

I put a hand above my eyes to see better and I do see something. Another silhouette, the only one that's as big as a person and that's not us. I thought we were alone here, but from afar, that looks like a person.

"Seiya, Shun, come with me, we're going to see what this is."

We run in direction of the silhouette. As we get closer, the top of it looks more and more like a person's head, a girl with long hair. But the bottom only looks like stone. Like real stone attached to the girl's upper body.

We slow down and stop when we find ourselves close enough to it. I was right. It looks almost like a statue representing a woman, except that only the top of her body is sculpted. The rest is untouched, dark gray stone, but her head, neck and shoulders are colored. Plus, it really looks like real human skin. We can't see the woman's face, since she has her head lowered.

I almost jump back in surprise when the girl raises her head. Even her hair move in the air because of the speed of her movement. I feel stupid now that I know it wasn't a statue. It's a real girl, whose body was turned into stone. And I'm even more shocked to see that it's this girl, whom I know all too well. Her hair and eyes are easy to recognize.

"Eurydice?!" I ask in shock, looking at what she has become.

The look in her eyes was first questioning and sad, but it soon changes. She now looks about as shocked as I am. "(Y/N)?!​ Is... Is that really you, or am I dreaming?"

"You're not, it's me! But... Who would have thought I'd see you here!"

"Wait, (Y/N), you know this woman?" Seiya asks, confused. Of course, I'd be surprised if I learned that him and Shun knew Eurydice and Orphee.

"This is my friend, Eurydice." I then turn to my old friend to introduce the boys to her. "These two are Seiya and Shun, my new friends and co-workers. We're all bronze saints of Athena."

Eurydice gasps, her eyes widening. "Saints of Athena?! But in that case... What are you doing here in the Underworld?"

"I should be asking you the same thing!" I briefly look at her stone body. "First we find my brother Orphee, then he sends us here for some reason, then we find you and when we do, your body has been turned into stone! Where have you two been all those years?"

"Do you have time?" she sighs. "It's a long story." The boys and I cross our arms, listening to her carefully.

|A good 5 minutes later (I'm too lazy today to write the whole story lol)|

"Wait, so that's why Orphee is here? And here I was, thinking he was dead!" This story is really too much for me to process. I'm not even sure I understood all of it.

"(Y/N), I wish to ask you something," says Eurydice. "Orphee won't be able to be happy as long as he's here! I don't know what you are here for, but please, when you come back to the world of the living, take him with you. He deserves better than to be here forever. I just... want him to go back to his previous life, and live happily, as a saint of Athena and with his sister. I know he's missed you awfully."

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