This Isn't A Oneshot

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I don't know why but I had the idea of writing little 'headcanons' about my previous oneshots so I thought I'd give y'all a little something. They probably don't make complete sense but anyways...

One or two days after what happened in the oneshot, Seiya escaped again and started running away so that (Y/N) couldn't find him. But she did find him and knocked him out with a frying pan. She needed Miho's help but she literally dragged Seiya back to his house and into his bed.

(Y/N) and Shun hid their relationship from everyone for some time after their confession, because they didn't want to hurt Hyoga's feelings. But they weren't that good at pretending and at some point, one of the saints (most likely Seiya) told them in front of everyone to admit they were dating.
They confirmed it and the other saints were all like "we knew it anyway". Then, (Y/N) and Shun talked to Hyoga in private about it, admitting they just didn't want to hurt him. He said it was fine, but the poor boy was heartbroken. It got better after a few months though.

During the fight between Hyoga and Ichi in the Galaxian Wars, (Y/N) was screaming and cheering her boyfriend on all along in the audience. She also didn't stop cussing Ichi out when he seemed to start winning.

After the end of the battle of the 12 houses, Hyoga and Shun hid their relationship from their friends. But Ikki soon found out and kept telling Shun he was too young to have a boyfriend. But it was obviously a joke, and it became funny to Shun and Hyoga too.

Nothing really interesting to say about that. I'll just say Shiryu and Shunrei kept their own feelings as a secret for months after what happened in that oneshot, but Dohko swore he would ship them in hell.

Shunrei and Shiryu soon started officially dating. When Shunrei told (Y/N) about it, (Y/N) kept a happy facade and was like "That's so great! I'm so happy for you!" but then she went home and melted into a pool of tears in her bed.
From that moment on, sometimes Shunrei would find her best friend crying and would immediately come up to her and ask her what was wrong. But (Y/N) would always say she was fine. Shunrei was not stupid, she saw her friend was clearly unhappy. But (Y/N) never told her she loved her.

After she started living in Japan with the bronze saints, it took a while for Shaina to fit in her new boyfriend's group of friends. But they all welcomed her well and were the nicest to her. And obviously, Seiya was there to make her feel comfortable among them.

One day Shaina decided to let people know she was dating a girl. She asked (Y/N) to come to the Sanctuary with her, and planned a whole stratagem so that Cassios and Seiya could both be at the same place at the same time as her and (Y/N). Then, she kissed her and the two boys were just like *surprised pikachu face*
Also, whenever Shaina smiled and looked super happy, (Y/N) nicknamed her 'Shiny' because her eyes shined and it sounded like her name.

(Y/N) and Shiryu met again in the Aries temple, just before the battle of the 12 houses. He was surprised to 'see' her there, and she was shocked to see that he was now blind. While Mu was repairing their cloths, the rest of the bronze saints took advantage of the moment to make (Y/N)'s acquaintance. Shiryu had told them about her two or three times.

When they went home after finding out that they didn't have work today, the three bronze saints had murder ideas about (Y/N) and Kiki. Seiya launched the meteor of Pegasus on them, Hyoga froze them with the Diamond Dust, and then Shun chained them in their room with Andromeda's chain. Yes, it was a little extreme, but it was what they deserved.

After the party, Kanon told (Y/N) what Deathmask had told him at the party (about the threesome between himself, her and Aphrodite). Kanon expected her to be embarrassed about it but she just burst out in laughter, to the point of crying and writhing ridiculously.

Aiolia and (Y/N) got married almost a year after their engagement. The gold saints and the bronze saints were all there, along with Shaina, Marin and Kiki. Saori was the one who played the role of the priest. The ceremony took place in front of the Athena statue in the Sanctuary. Then, there was a big party where the newlyweds and most of the guests had a lot of alcohol.

Ikki didn't like seeing (Y/N) feel ugly because of her rodent cheeks. Whenever she lowered her head to hide her face from him, he took her chin between his fingers to raise her head, and kissed her each time on one cheek and then on the lips.

first kiss
After it has first happened, kissing quickly became an addiction to Ikki and (Y/N). They never wanted to stop, and even if they did, they could literally never get enough of doing it, and it was better when they were alone in the dark. They also like to play very sexy music while they do it.


okay that's all for these headcanons, hope they weren't too boring.

Apart from those, I wanna let y'all know that you're gonna get an orphee x sister!reader oneshot soon! it was requested through a comment a few days ago and i'm almost done writing the first part (there will probabaly be two or three because a lot of things are to happen in it lol)

oh and also, i've been thinking of a very big saint seiya story idea that you guys might like. it's too big and detailed to be a oneshot, so i would make it a whole other book with plenty of chapters, sort of like a novel.

just in case i do publish it, i'm not gonna tell you about the plot right now, but what i can tell you is that it will be a mu x reader and the ideas i've had for it are kind of inspired by the game of thrones universe (i'm a huge game of thrones fan omg). I needed to get that off my chest ^^ ! i'm not sure if i'm actually gonna write it yet but i'm so inspired ughhhh


okay, that's enough talking, i have nothing else to say, or so i think... so this is the end of this chapter. *proceeds to send love to all the readers <3*

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