Gross Society | Shun X Reader

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anyways, I'm going to slow down this book's updates a lot because I'm lacking inspiration, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of the oneshots that I'll write from now on will be about Shun because he's my favorite character and most of my romantic scenarios are with him. Long live this dude fr 💖

and yes, the video above is what I got my inspiration from for this story, although it's not completely similar. I just want to be there for a sad boy these days idk)

Between the beginning and the end of the day, Shun's energy had completely decreased. He'd been out all day, and most of the time he had spent out had been pretty good. But it had all gone down pretty quickly after one specific event. Now, Shun was walking home, unable to wait until he felt a little more comfortable. Maybe the person who was already there would make him feel better, but she might also have better things to do. He would completely understand that.

He found himself sighing a bit too loudly as he got home and rested his back against the closed door. The effect of what had happened to him had been easy to feel from the beginning, but it had only grown bigger by the minutes on his way back. He now felt like he had a chance to forget about it. The hallways of the house were mostly filled with fresh air, relieving him from the hot atmosphere outside.

Shun used the last bits of strength in his legs to drag himself to his bedroom, running his fingers through his green hair. It was at this moment that he knew he was not only upset, but also tired after such a long day. His eyes were threatening to close by themselves at any moment.

However, Shun's eyes widened a tiny bit as he opened the door of his room. He wanted to see his girlfriend here... And he did. She was sitting at her desk, her eyes set on a paper, the end of her pen between her teeth. Shun slightly smiled ; he had always thought she looked adorable when she was focused on her own work. There was something in the way she held the pen in her mouth when she did not know what to write. In the way her face was perfectly relaxed.

He couldn't have that view for long, because she eventually turned to him and got her pen out of her mouth. She smiled at him. "Hi!" she greeted him, more calmly than usual.

"Hi," his tired voice responded. He realized that he sounded like he was about to cry, which wasn't the case. He was not upset enough for that, and he did not want to.

"How was your day?" she asked.

Shun thought about his answer. He wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about the reason why he was feeling down. "Nothing really exciting," he responded, laying down on the bed. "What about you? Did you have a good day?"

She shrugged, still writing on the paper. "Yeah. I mean, it was boring and I still have a bit of work to do, but I'm good."

"How much time do you think it will take before you're free?"

"I never take really long to finish my homework, so maybe I'll be free in 30 minutes. In the worst of cases, it will be over in an hour." she then looked away from her work and gave Shun a smile. "What would you like to do after that?"

"I don't know," Shun yawned, his two hands behind his head. "If you don't mind, maybe we could stay here together and cuddle..? I don't really feel like moving."

The idea was incredibly cute and tempting. But (Y/N) slightly frowned at Shun's behavior. He was rarely like this, even after a busy day. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Shun nodded, humming quietly. His eyes were still closed. "I'm good. Don't worry about me, you should probably finish what you're doing."

Obeying her boyfriend, (Y/N) focused on her work again while Shun was resting peacefully. He opened his eyes every now and then to look at her, but ended up stopping. The room was filled with a soothing silence. Only the sound of the pen on the paper could be heard. Shun and (Y/N) both liked it like that.

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