Prank | Kiki X Sister!Reader

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It was a rather peaceful night in the Kido Mansion. Well, to be fair, it was almost the morning, and practically everyone in the house was fast asleep. Everyone except for (Y/N)​ and her little brother Kiki.

The little boy had slept very little all night, and was now very energetic. (Y/N), on the other hand, had just been woken up by her brother and was still tired. She smiled calmly instead of laughing as Kiki bounced up and down on her bed.

"I'm boooorred," Kiki complained.

"Stop speaking so loud," his sister told him, gently hitting him. "You're gonna wake everyone up."

"That's the point!" he spoke less loud this time. "If everyone's awake, I can go and play with someone without having to worry about being noisy."

"For Athena's sake, leave them alone. If you want to play so bad, we can go downstairs and play some video games. That will keep you busy and you won't have to be a menace."

"Yeah, nah," the boy shrugged, making a face. "I'm kind of in the mood for annoying everyone right now. I need to be a menace."

(Y/N)​ looked around and thought. She loved to help Kiki prank people in plenty of stupid ways. It was very immature of her, or at least that's what people told her sometimes. But she never took it very seriously. "What are you even planning to do this time?" she sighed.

"Well, Seiya, Hyoga and Shun will start work tomorrow, right?" Kiki smirked. Indeed, the three bronze saints, who were sleeping in the Mansion at this moment, would go to their first day of work the next day. It's been planned for a while, and they would have to leave very early in the morning.

Their two friends, Ikki and Shiryu, didn't need to go to work with them. The Dragon saint was out in China with his old master and his girlfriend Shunrei, who both took care of him, and the Phoenix saint did absolutely everything on his own.

"Yeah, and?" (Y/N)​ asked.

"What if we woke them up today? And we made them believe they were completely late for work?"

"That sounds diabolical." The girl then slightly smirked at her brother. "I'm in. But in that case, let's wait longer. Even if this were their day of work, they would have nothing to do awake this early."

"Right," he nodded eagerly. "That will leave us the time to figure out how to wake them up in the worst way possible, so that they can have the worst morning in their lives."

"You're an evil child," (Y/N)​ laughed, shaking her head and playfully crossing her arms. "Master Mu would be so disappointed in you."

"Master Mu is not my dad," Kiki rolled his eyes. "And let me remind you that you agreed to lend me a hand."

"Fair enough," she admitted. "Now, wanna go and play video games until it's actually time?"

"Okay, fine," he moaned. The two siblings got off the bed and quietly walked downstairs to play together in peace.


It was now 10 o'clock. The perfect time to wake Seiya, Shun and Hyoga up. The whole Mansion was still asleep. Most of the time everyone was up at about 8 a.m, but they still had the chance to sleep-in sometimes. Now only (Y/N)​ and Kiki were already up, just like during the night.

The both of them walked quietly upstairs, looking at each other and keeping their index fingers on their lips. "You go to Seiya's room and I go to Shun's room," Kiki whispered. "The first one who's done waking their victim up gets to wake Hyoga up."

"Cool," (Y/N)​ whispered back. Still as quiet, she made her way to the Pegasus saint's room. She was careful not to open the door to slow, or else it would creak.

She walked over to his bed and looked at him sleep for a split second. He looked pretty damn cute when he was unbothered and in peace. That tranquility wouldn't last long, and the girl almost felt a bit bad for what she was about to do.

The brown-haired boy always kept his water bottle on his nightstand. (Y/N)​ took it in her hand, quietly opened it and slowly spilled its contents on Seiya's round cheek.

Seiya frowned and slightly moved when he felt the cold water on his skin, letting (Y/N)​ know he was now up. "Hello," she said calmly to him with a smile as if she hadn't woken him up herself.

"What the-" Seiya mumbled, sounding like he was hungover from his deep sleep.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?" she asked him. Her acting was so good Seiya didn't even suspect it was a prank. He suddenly opened big round eyes, looking worried for his life. He looked through the window and saw how bright the sun was already shining.

"What time is it?" he asked. His voice had changed now : he sounded less tired.

"10:15 or something," she answered.

Then Seiya fell off the bed and starting getting ready at full speed. The room was now filled with cursewords and 'oh my god's, and (Y/N)​ left after placing the water bottle back on the nightstand.

Meanwhile, Kiki tiptoed his way into Shun's room, an evil smirk on his lips. The Andromeda saint had his two fists closed between his neck and his chin, and even though the covers hid his body, Kiki could tell he was curled up into a ball. "If only Hyoga could see him like that," the amused little boy thought.

Normally, Kiki would have switched on the light for such a prank, but the sunlight going through the window was enough. So he just walked in direction of the bed, and as soon as he found himself close enough to his victim, he took a deep breath.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD," he yelled right next to Shun's ear. The green-haired boy flinched awake, slightly opening his eyes to look at his torturer. Kiki couldn't hold himself back from laughing anymore and snickered like the child he was.

As Shun looked at Kiki almost angrily and mumbled a little "what..?", another silhouette emerged from under the sheets. The person had a tanner skin than Shun, and messy blonde hair. The 8 year-old boy recognized the Cygnus saint, Hyoga. "What the fuck, Kiki..?" his sleepy voice asked.

Kiki's jaw dropped to the floor and he covered his mouth before starting to laugh even more. But he soon calmed down, seeing how angry Hyoga and Shun looked.

"Sorry to interrupt you, lovebirds, but y'all are late for work. It's past 10 already." He turned and walked out of the room, still smirking, and then started hearing the crazy noise the two saints made as they fell off Shun's bed and got dressed.

Kiki hurried to find his sister. She probably still thought Hyoga was in his own room. The reaction she would have when she learned that he had been sleeping in Shun's bed would surely be legendary, or so the little boy thought.

The three bronze saints all got out of the house barely five minutes later, running through the entrance door. (Y/N)​ and Kiki waved at them and wished them a nice day, but before they finished their sentence, Seiya, Shun and Hyoga were too far from them.

"This is the nicest Sunday of my life," (Y/N) laughed, almost unable to breathe.

"Your life must suck then,"her little brother made fun of her." Try finding yourself home alone and being able to do anything you want without anyone to stop you."

"You think I've never tried it? I get bored so easily. When Shun, Seiya and Hyoga get home, they may fight us for being so mean, but at least we won't be bored."

"Shun is too nice to fight us. Mr. Duck and Mr. Pony might do it, but Mr. 2 Chainz will only pout sadly and say 'that wasn't very cool of you guys', if you ask me."

(Y/N)​ frowned, confused, and turned to Kiki. "Where did you even hear of 2 Chainz?"

"What do you mean? Someone is actually called 2 Chainz? Like a real person in real life?"

The two siblings burst into laughter and went back to their room, getting a grip on each other as they ran out of air in their lungs from laughing so hard.

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