Demons Pt. 2 | Saga X Daughter!Reader

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Aiolia clenched his fist and his cosmos started to burn and grow. "You have one last chance to admit it all. Did you, yes or no, unfairly accuse my brother of treason 13 years ago?" tears began to appear in the corner of his eyes, and his fist shook, ready to hit the man in front of him. "Have you been hiding things from the whole Sanctuary all this time?! Have I been tricked into thinking that my brother was truly a traitor?!"

The Leo saint's eyes spoke for him. He was asking Saga for confirmation, but he was already sure of what he was saying. He was now filled with sadness mixed with an indescribable amount of wrath. Those two emotions combined could move mountains, especially if the one feeling them already had a great power.

The young man who was still sitting on his throne felt more threatened than ever. A sudden shooting pain crossed his brain, and as soon as he felt it, Saga found himself in the biggest "oh no" state of mind. This couldn't happen. Not now. But under the effect of the panic and the anger conveyed by Aiolia, this moment was inevitable.

Saga's devilish side had taken over.

He got up out of his throne, a golden aura bigger than Aiolia's around him. The Leo saint looked at his opponent, completely confused : the color of his hair was changing from blue to gray. Too distracted by this strange phenomenon, he did not instantly realize that Saga's closed fist was flying towards him. The Gemini saint violently punched the other man, so powerfully it made him back away. Aiolia fell on his head on the hard floor, and had to struggle to look at his rival who was still standing.

"I see you know it all now," Saga said in a much more evil tone of voice. "I'm still surprised by the fact that Athena knows anything of it, but that's not the point."

"Why... Why would you have done that?!" Aiolia asked, trying hard to get back up. "We've all seen you as a good and trustworthy person all those years... Was killing Athena your only intention since the beginning? And if so, why did you fight for her cause all those years even before Saori was born?"

Saga smirked under his mask. "Aiolia, you are mistaking me for somebody else. The one who fought for her cause long ago was Shion. I became the Pope only 13 years ago, by killing the previous one." He took off his mask, revealing his bloodshot eyes and evil grin.

Aiolia recognized him instantly, and was too stunned to speak. The Gemini Saint had disappeared mysteriously after what happened with Aiolos and Athena. It didn't take long for Aiolia to put two and two together, and he was so disgusted by the truth that was being shown to him that he felt his heart drop to his stomach.

"You could begin a fight against me," said Saga. "But know that you have no reason to be confident, unless your power is bigger than mine. If our strengths were equal, this would be the beginning of a Thousand Wars. But I'm clearly superior to you. I suppose you wouldn't like to die right here, right now, would you?"

Those words, in addition to the evil grin Saga still had on his face, sickened Aiolia to the biggest extent. But instead of starting a fight, he simply walked away, making his way out of the temple. "Where do you think you're going?" Saga asked angrily.

"You are a traitor and a monster of the worst kind," said Aiolia in a tone of voice that sounded neutral. "Walking away from you is not even cowardly, you are not worthy of fighting against me."

"You dare insult me?! Wait until I tear your face apart-" Saga ran towards his enemy with a closed fist, ready to punch him again. But at the last minute, Aiolia turned around and stopped his fist with only one hand.

"I would recommend that you don't try and do anything to me right now," he said calmly. "You may not have noticed them, but two children are hiding behind the corner of a wall at the moment, and have seen everything you just did. I am quite sure they would not like to see you kill someone with your own hands."

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