Date | Shunrei X Reader

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I'm laying on my bed, alone, doing nothing. I've been bored for a while now so I try to fall asleep to kill time. But even with my shutters closed and the complete silence in the room, I just can't sleep, no matter how hard I try.

The ringtone of my phone next to me startles me. I don't see who would call right now. I check the phone and pick it up immediately when I see that the call is from my best friend, Shunrei. "Hello?"

"Hello (Y/N)", she answers. Something about her voice sounds weird. She sounds nervous for some reason.

"Hi Shunrei! What's up?" I ask, ignoring her strange tone of voice.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you come to my house as soon as you can, please?" Yup, something's definitely going on.

"Like right now? Alright, I'll be there quickly. See you later then." I hang up and start packing some stuff in my handbag. I don't know what Shunrei needs me for, but it might be better to keep at least those things with me.


Shunrei opens the entrance door in front of me. "Oh, you're already here", she says, looking relieved. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon."

"I wasn't any faster than usual", I say, smiling at her. "So, tell me, what do you need me for?"

"Follow me." She grabs my hand and takes me to her small bedroom. Her bedroom is perfectly tidied up. Only her bed is covered with almost ten different outfits. "I... Actually have a date with Shiryu tonight", she starts. "And I'm kind of freaking out because I don't know what to wear-"

I unintentionally cut her off by laughing. I put my hand on my mouth to avoid laughing too loud, but now it's too late, she noticed it. This girl is truly something. "Why are you laughing?" Shunrei asks, even though she's almost about to laugh too.

"Wait wait wait", I say. "First of all, why didn't you tell me about the date? Second of all, what makes you think you need to look so much prettier than usual just because it's a date? And third of all, is this really the reason why you sounded so anxious on the phone?!"

The two of us end up laughing our asses off. It's not often I see Shunrei laugh this hard. She's so cute and pretty when she smiles, she should do it more often.

"Oh but don't laugh!" she says, calming down a little. "I don't know what to do and it amuses you?"

"Of course it does, but right now we've got bigger fish to fry", I reply, looking down at all the clothes on the bed. "I don't think you need to be the most gorgeous human on earth tonight, and you never wear dresses, so don't wear a dress."

I keep looking at all the outfits, trying to figure out which one would be best for Shunrei. But my thoughts are all about something else. She's about to go on a date with Shiryu. I don't really know how I was able to ignore that when she first told me. Now it's hard to ignore the sensation of a needle stinging my heart. It's weird as fuck and I hope she has no idea of it.

"(Y/N), you look like the Thinker statue right now", Shunrei chuckles softly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I laugh too, suddenly realizing how stupid I probably looked. I look at the numerous outfit options again and, after a few seconds, point at one of them. A pair of dark blue jeans with a light pink t-shirt, which surprisingly go really well together. "This is the one", I tell my friend in an over dramatic way. "Shiryu is going to be glad he asked you out."

She calmly thanks me and goes to put all of the other clothes back in her closet. "Need anything else? Like a bit of meditation to help you go on that date with a clear mind?" I joke.

"No thank you, I'll be good without meditation", she answers. "But I think I might also need a little bit of makeup, and I don't have any. If you can't help me with that, it's okay though."

"Girl, I hate you so much sometimes. The outfit is already going to blow your man away. You don't need makeup. You never did."

In reality, I wouldn't mind helping her with that. But I still feel bad about the fact that she thinks she needs more than what she already has.

"I'm not saying I want lipstick and mascara and all of that opaque layer you put on your face everyday ", Shunrei tells me. "I don't want to look like a paint pot. I just want to look pretty." Both of us are just crazy. This bitch just called me a paint pot, and I'm going to let her get away with it.

"But you are pretty!"

"I don't believe you."

We stare at each other for seconds, motionless. Shunrei holds her wrist in her hand and rubs it with her thumb. I can see she doesn't want things to go down just because of this 'pretty or not' thing. Ugh I give up. She's so cute. "You're lucky I always bring something with me." I get my small makeup compact out of my handbag to show it to her. "Sit down, and let's get this over with."

We both sit down on the bed and I start applying makeup on her face. I see her try to look away while I do it : this situation looks like it's more embarrassing to her than to me. But it gives me a chance to stare at her without getting caught. There are just some features of hers that I could gawk at for hours.

Her long eyelashes that show even more when she lowers her head.

Her smooth looking cheeks that I want to caress so bad sometimes.

Her short strands of hair that constantly escape from her long braid and that I always want to put back behind her ears with the tips of my fingers.

Her lips that are neither too plump nor too thin, and that have a gorgeous, natural pink color.

I briefly close my eyes and shake my head. Tonight, she is going on a date with someone that's not me. I shouldn't be looking at her lips that way.

"Okay, that should be enough", I say after I'm done. "And don't even go look in a mirror, because I know you're gonna tell me you're ugly and I'm gonna yell."

"No (Y/N), I'm sure it's really good", she laughs. "Thank you very much... For what you did for me today."

"It's nothing, that's what friends are for", I smile, putting my brushes and my makeup compacts back in my bag. "Well, I guess I'm gonna go now".

We quickly hug each other goodbye and I tell her to have fun on her date. I then get out of the room, but two seconds after that, I go back in and quickly tell Shunrei : "Oh and one last thing: you should undo your braid and let your hair down. It looks good on you."

"Thank you. I'll do it", she smiles, and that's when I get out of her house for good.


I let myself fall backwards on my bed, and grab the front of the covers to cover my body with them. This time I'm really tired. It shouldn't take me long to fall asleep now.

My eyelids feel heavy, my eyes are already almost fully closed. I curl up into a ball under the covers, my fists fitting in the crook of my neck. When I finally doze off, it's my dreams that decide to torture me.

I see Shunrei near me, in a beautiful outfit, her hair down and her cheeks a light shade of pink. She walks towards me timidly, her hands behind her back, as I don't do anything to reach her. I'm completely motionless. She stops right in front of me, smiling cutely, and gets on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. I want to react, to tell her something, but I say nothing, and she walks away in an instant. The only move I make is turning my head to keep looking at her. She is now walking towards Shiryu, further away from me. Right after I notice he was here, Shunrei starts sprinting to him. He opens his arms for her and they soon end up hugging each other tightly, smiling from ear to ear and giggling. And I don't do anything but look at them from afar, clenching my fists.

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