Tension | Seiya X Shaina

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Shaina's pov

I stood in front of the immense ocean that was next to the Asgard Kingdom. The bronze saints were there with me, as well as Athena, Kiki and the princesses of Asgard, Hilda and Freya. Finally, Poseidon had been dealt with, and I was enjoying the feeling of relief that our victory was giving me.

One after the other, Athena, Kiki, the saints and I talked to Hilda and Freya, who thanked us for what we had done for them and their kingdom. It felt weird knowing that I didn't have my mask on and everyone could see my smile. But I didn't care anymore. I had gone through a hard time after Seiya had broken my mask and I had tried to fight my love for him. I didn't want to feel that pressure ever again.

After I decided to go back home directly alone, I heard Seiya call out my name. "Hey Shaina, can I talk to you for a second?"

My heart skipped a beat as he approached me. I should have stopped feeling this nervous around him for a while now. But even after I had told him about my feelings, I hadn't felt different. "Yes, sure", I answered.

He took me aside, away from his group of friends, and we went to sit down a little further away. I didn't know what to expect from him right now. I mean, it couldn't be that bad, could it? But at the same time, it felt a little strange to be alone with him. There had been a strong tension between us after I had told him I loved him. I didn't know if he had simply chosen to ignore that tension.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked, trying to sound like I wasn't uncomfortable.

"Well, first of all, I just want to thank you for how much you helped us in the battle against Poseidon. We wouldn't have been able to do anything without you", he said, smiling tenderly. I smiled back, flattered.

"But what I thought was more important, is the wound that you must still have on your back after getting a golden arrow in it."

I rolled my eyes, still smiling. During the battle, I had gotten the gold arrow of Sagittarius in my back, trying to protect Seiya from it. Even now, it still hurt a little, but it wasn't unbearable. "I'm fine, Seiya. I barely even feel it."

"Are you sure?" he asked, concerned. "It was a whole golden arrow. You could have died from that wound."

"But I didn't. And as I said, I barely feel like I've been shot by that arrow. It doesn't hurt."

"Well, if you say so", Seiya shrugged. But I don't want you to get hurt in my stead everytime I'm in danger. Okay?"

"No", I answered, probably a little bit too honestly. After seeing Seiya shoot me a surprised look, I resumed. "Why do you look surprised? I said it during the battle. I'll be your shield whenever you're in danger, even if it means I have to die."

"You can't keep repeating that everytime to justify why you got hit!" Seiya said, starting to get angry. "I have too much consideration for you to let you get hurt or get killed in my stead."

"Well that's something we will discuss again next time I protect you from your own attacks. I really don't want to argue with you right now", I said, crossing my arms and looking away from him. It was already freezing cold here, but I started feeling even colder after this bad tension had started to settle between us.

"Shaina... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked like that", Seiya said to me, more quietly. I could see the face he was making, even though I wasn't looking at him. "I just..."

"It's okay ", I cut him off. "You don't have to explain. I would probably get angry too if you refused to acknowledge why I want to protect you."

I looked at the landscape, trying to act like it was all I wanted to look at. In reality, it was only to avoid Seiya's gaze. I didn't know what to say or what to do, but I felt like our conversation wasn't over yet.

"It's crazy, huh?" Seiya asked suddenly. I turned to him and frowned, not knowing what he was talking about. "Not too long ago, you wanted to kill me, saying it was the only way you could restore your honor. And now we're arguing about who must protect who."

"It's not as crazy as you say it is. You know exactly why everything changed so fast. And if I'm honest, I don't want to talk much about it." I was probably sounding a bit rude, but the more I thought about our relationship, the worse I felt.

I'm not even sure if I could call it a relationship. After I had told him I loved him, I had only seen him during fights, to join him and fight by his side. And even though he knew what I felt for him, he didn't seem to see any kind of weird atmosphere. Maybe he considered I was just a friend of his, like the others. It showed that my feelings weren't reciprocal, and I tried to ignore it but it could only last so long.

"Shaina, don't think your feelings don't matter to me", he said, sounding like he was begging me. "The moment you saved my life and told me you loved me replayed in my mind non stop when you protected me from the golden arrow. And for a long time even before that, the thought of what you had gone through haunted me. Being your enemy was almost more pleasant than knowing the truth."

I suddenly felt like tearing up. I had definitely been mistaken. Seiya did care about what I felt. I just hadn't known it.

"But then you were there to help me several times, without always being with me. You fought saints so I wouldn't have to fight them. You even began the fight against Poseidon before I reached his throne room. I remember my heart skipping beats after I saw you practically knocked out on the floor in front of him."

My tears fell down, and I didn't stop them. I was like dazed. In a transe. It felt like an emotional roller-coaster : just minutes ago, my thoughts had only been relief and joy. Now I didn't even know what I was feeling anymore.

Seiya wiped my tears with his curled finger, looking at me, his eyes full of compassion. "I know I didn't do anything for or against it", he resumed, "but now I feel like the bad tension there used to be between us has slowly gone good. What I'm trying to say, even though I can't stop beating around the bush, is that I have feelings for you."

I wipe the rest of my tears myself, looking at Seiya in shock. I formed words in my mind, but I just couldn't say them. My mouth stayed slightly open, until I said something. "I... I don't know what to say..." was the only answer I could give.

"You don't have to say anything. You never knew how important you were to me until now, so by now you've probably moved on I guess-"

"No", I suddenly cut him off again. "I haven't. I still love you." I didn't try to say anything more. That was all Seiya had to know anyway. I could only stare at his face, hoping he'd eventually say something.

A smile finally grew on his face. He laughed awkwardly, looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "Well, took us long enough to spill the beans!"

"Hey ugly, we have to go back home now!" some voice yelled behind us. I turned around and saw Hyoga waving at Seiya. I looked back at Seiya, only too see him hit his left palm with his right fist, staring angrily at Hyoga. "And Shaina, you might wanna come with us!"

Seiya turned to me and smiled. "Do you wanna come, or are you going to go back to your own house?"

"Why would I go back to my house? I don't know if you remember, but I have no life there. No family and no friends. So yeah, might as well come with you guys."

He laughed, taking my hands to help me get back up. "You've always radiated this kind of 'I only talk to you because i'm bored' energy." We both laughed as we joined Seiya's friends and I came to Japan with them.

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