Party Pt. 2 | Kanon X Reader

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It was finally Friday evening, and the two twins were already at the party. Saga had some friends there, and went to dance and talk with them every now and then. Kanon, however, did not dance. He stayed in a corner of the room and kept eating and drinking, watching the prettiest women dance.

None of them were actually beautiful enough for him to go and talk to them. Kanon was the lonely type, and social interactions weren't the easiest thing for him. Unlike Saga, who talked pretty much to everyone. Since he was popular at college, a lot of people knew him here too.

The only thing Kanon didn't want was for a girl to take him for his brother and start talking to him like she would to a crush. But so far, that hadn't happened.

(Y/N) stood outside of the large room, about to finally come in. She was not completely sure whether that party would actually lead to something concerning her and Kanon, but now that she thought about it, there was no going back. She had already spent a little time getting ready, mostly to do her hair and her makeup correctly. She didn't want all of it to be for nothing.

So she entered the room, immediately submerged by the loud music that filled it up. The bass felt like her body was shaking. She didn't go to parties that often and everytime she went to one, she remembered how fucking good that felt. A smile of satisfaction appeared on her face.

Saga saw her from a little distance, as he wasn't exactly close to where she now stood. It did take him a while to figure out it was her. She had done something to her hair. Her eyelids and lips glittered. And the type of clothes she was now wearing was different from what he was used to seeing her in. He went to greet her, and (Y/N) suddenly felt much better. At least a friend of hers was there.

"I think Kanon is not the only man of whom you're going to get the attention tonight," Saga joked. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and the two parted ways. The teenage girl needed to drink something. She made her way to the table covered in food and drinks alone, and some men stared at her beauty as she walked by them. Some of the guys whistled in pleasant surprise, which she ignored.

When she got to the table, she found a man there. He wasn't paying attention to anything other than his phone, scrolling endlessly. But even though his head was lowered and it was dark here, (Y/N) recognized him immediately. She filled a plastic glass with some fruit juice and then stood next to her crush. "Hi Kanon," she said with a smile.

The boy turned and frowned, not having recognized her voice. But his eyes opened wide as he finally understood who she was. Just like his brother, he was shocked by how different she looked than usual. He couldn't help but smile, eyeing her up and down and trying not to look like a creep. "Oh, hello (Y/N). Nice to see you here... In such clothes."

The girl sniggered. "Nice to see you here with such an attitude." her deep voice as she joked was so satisfying to him. "Don't you have anybody you'd like to dance with?"

"Dancing with someone? Who do you think I am?" he laughed. "I'm here for the food. Though my stupid brother thinks I'm here for you."

Those last words hit (Y/N) pretty damn hard, but she hid it well. "And you're not?" she smirked, sipping her drink.

"Nope. What about you? You're not here for me or anyone in particular, I suppose?"

(Y/N) bit her lips. 'If I want to get him, jealousy is a pretty cool card to play', she thought. "I'm here for your brother. Don't tell him though," she said, leaning towards him.

And those words hit Kanon even harder. But just like her, he didn't let it show. Or at least not in a way that would surprise her. She knew that the two twins weren't that close. "Well, good for you I guess," he shrugged. "But I don't really know what you might even see in him."

"Well, I mean... He's super nice and friendly, cool and... really handsome."

"Of course he's handsome, he is my spitting image!" Kanon laughed, making (Y/N) sigh jokingly.

"It was nice talking to you Kanon, but imma go see Saga now," the girl said, getting away from her crush. "I don't want to have come here for nothing."

Saga's twin shrugged and then lowered his eyes, sipping his drink again. (Y/N) began to walk toward Saga, whom she could already see in the middle of the room. 'Awesome, now I have to explain all of this to him. He could have a million different reactions. I hope it won't be anything too bad.'

"Are you having fun?" Saga asked (Y/N) as soon as he saw her in front of him.

"Um yeah, this party is fun..." she said hesitantly. It's not like she had been dancing or having that much fun. On the contrary, the situation was rather weird now.

"Are you sure you're fine?" the young man asked, raising an eyebrow. (Y/N) wasn't that good at pretending.

In the end, she would have to tell him anyway, and if he was that good of a friend, he shouldn't react too badly. So she suddenly blurted out, catching him off guard : "I had to lie to Kanon to make him jealous and I made him believe I was here because I had a crush on you."

The two looked at each other without saying a word. (Y/N) had no facial expression, she just waited for Saga to react to the bomb she had dropped. But all Saga did was laugh softly, making her frown.

"Damn (Y/N), you really are something. You could have told him the truth, you know. Not that I mind you using me to make him jealous. But your flirting methods are truly the worst."

"I'm pretty sure there is worse. But the point is, now that I've told him I came here for you... I think we're gonna have to spend the rest of the night together so he won't get suspicious."

"I have never tried flirting with my friends."

"Neither have I. But there's a first time for everything, right?"

"Eh, maybe you're right." The two laughed and Saga offered his hand for a handshake. "No strings attached. I mean, no more than we already have."

"I mean, my strings are attached to a man who looks exactly like you, so..." (Y/N) joked and made Saga burst out laughing, before shaking his hand. "But yeah, not that kind of strings between you and me."

Saga smiled sincerely at his friend, and wanted to make it clear that he had no bad intentions. The idea to do to her the kind of things he wanted her to do with his brother didn't get him really comfortable. He knew very well about her crush on him, and he was pretty sure Kanon felt something for her too. 'It's okay, it's nothing serious. It's not like she asked you to kiss her. Spending the night dancing and chatting like we always do will surely suffice.'

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