Party | Kanon X Reader (Modern AU)

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( @Rote_Kirschbluete , I got inspired by your comments/requests for this one. I hope you like it :))

The last lesson for today was now over. (Y/N)​ took her bag full of books and got out of the class with her friends. The little group of friends, only girls, was really talkative. At least they became so when they had the chance and had nothing to pay attention to.

"So, what are you doing tonight (Y/N)?" one of her friends asked.

"Meh, I have nothing special to do these days," she made a face. "I would spend some time with you guys but we have a lot of homework, and we're going to have a history exam soon. I don't wanna fail that class."

"Please, I'm sure everyone's gonna fail. Nobody cares about history. You won't be anything special compared to all of us."

"But I don't want to be like y'all," (Y/N) laughed with her friends.

"(Y/N)?" a masculine voice asked behind them. The teenage girl and her friends turned around to find a tall man with long, blue hair. His name was Saga, and he was one of the most popular men in college. He was very good friends with (Y/N), but her own friends didn't know how to talk to him.

He was very good looking and they were all quite intimidated by his looks. (Y/N) had also been a little intimidated at first, but then they had gotten to know each other. He didn't have that many friends, and being the person in college with whom he seemed to get along the best, (Y/N) got herself a reputation. But that didn't really matter to either of them. They just enjoyed their friendship. What others thought of them didn't mean a lot to them.

"Oh my god, the hottie is here!" one of (Y/N)​'s friends whispered in her ear. Saga couldn't hear any of it. The girl then said out loud "OK, we'll see you later, (Y/N)!" to which Saga's friend smiled and waved goodbye. Her group of girlfriends walked away, leaving her alone with the tall man.

"How've you been?" (Y/N) smiled at Saga as they began to walk together.

"I've been good. Studies are hard, but I do my best to keep my grades as high as I can. I hear you're doing good too."

"Pretty good so far, but we never know when it can all go down," she laughed. The girl was unnecessarily scared of her parents' reaction if she failed a class. They were pretty lenient though, which reassured her. "And... How is your brother?" she asked hesitantly.

Saga and his twin brother Kanon weren't on very good terms. Which didn't work that well for (Y/N), since she had a small crush on Kanon. But to avoid his brother, Kanon almost never showed up for class. The only few times he did come to college, he was all alone, and (Y/N) didn't come up to him because she didn't want to bother him.

The only times they talked was when she came over to the twins' house to see him or his brother. Kanon disliked how close Saga was to her, but he didn't really have a problem with her. She didn't have that many flaws. She was rather pretty, nice and interesting. It could have been worse, especially coming from a friend of Saga's.

"He's been good too, I guess. Y'know, I think he finds it weird that you haven't visited us a lot lately."

"Really though?"

"I'm saying it as it is. We were in the same room without talking to each other at all the other day, and all of the sudden he went 'what's the name of that girl you often bring home again? (Y/N)? Why do I not see her anymore?'. I have to admit it caught me off guard."

The girl smiled and looked right ahead, imagining Kanon bringing her up so suddenly. The thought of it was weird, especially since he didn't seem to care a lot about many people.

"You know, (Y/N), there's a party this Friday evening that Kanon and I are both going to. If you want to come, or just if you need my help to get him closer to you, you're welcome," Saga smiled. He knew that something was going on between his friend and his brother. Very far from being against it, he was rather for it.

"Thank you," she said, "but I think I'll be good trying to get the boy on my own. Besides, I don't want to bother you or to make you feel like I'm using you."

"You're not. Well, at least you know about the party." The two kept walking together, until Saga checked his watch. "Uh, sorry, I gotta go now." He started walking faster and further than his friend, who stayed behind. "I'll tell Kanon you said hi."

"Yeah, do that!" she laughed. Saga then disappeared, running down the stairs to leave the building. (Y/N), now all alone, started making up her famous scenarios. She often found herself wondering if Kanon actually liked her, and if so, in what way.

The sentence Saga had said before leaving was her inspiration now. What would even be Kanon's reaction, hearing that she'd asked about him? Probably nothing particular. Something like 'hm, cool'. But even though it didn't sound like him at all, (Y/N) imagined him slightly smirking with satisfaction and saying 'well you'll tell her I said hi next time you see her'.

Replaying that cute scene over and over in her head, she went home, convincing herself that she should, indeed, go to that party. Even if were just to shoot her shot.

About half an hour later, Saga stormed in the house he shared only with his brother. His heavy bag full of books had exhausted him the whole time and he did not bother knocking before entering his room. Kanon was there, reading, laying on one of the two beds. He did not even look at his brother as he heard him come in.

"You could knock, you know. I could have been changing clothes or something."

"Changing clothes? for what?" Saga asked. "You wear the same filthy jeans everyday. And besides, I wouldn't give a fuck even if you were changing. Your body looks exactly like mine, it's nothing shocking."

"My 'filthy jeans' fuck the shit out of you," Kanon sighed.

Saga then went on his own bed, bringing his bag with him. Still not making eye contact with Kanon, he quietly started studying and doing his homework. After a good minute of silence, Saga rose his voice again." Oh by the way, (Y/N) asked about you today."

Kanon frowned and turned to his twin at those words. "Why would she?"

"Because she considers you two are good friends and she hasn't seen you in a while. I feel bad for her, though. I don't know how she would feel if she knew you don't give a crap about her."

Kanon raised an eyebrow. 'Don't give a crap about her', huh?

"She's not as unbearable as you are. Her company is not unpleasant. Not that she means the world to me, but I give more 'craps' about her than I do about you, that's for sure."

Kanon started to mind his own business again, and Saga smirked to himself. 'Well at least (Y/N)'s situation is not completely hopeless. If she comes to the party this Friday, I'll have a chance to bring her together with this idiot.'

Just like a coincidence, a little while later, Saga received a text message from (Y/N), saying she might go to the party after all.

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