Full Moon | Hyoga X Reader

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(this was one of the two requests sent by turquiose-coral ! Hope you enjoy it!)

In the middle of the night, Hyoga was finally driving back home. The road was very little lit up and everything would have been so quiet if it weren't for the noise of the car's engine. The area he lived in with his girlfriend was really not that noisy. They lived in a very small village with few people in it, and the village was surrounded by giant fields of grass and different sorts of plants.

At this moment, Hyoga was driving along a road that was in between two of these big fields. He was not too far from home anymore, but he still felt like he was all alone in this immense place. It didn't bother him, though. He kinda liked it. The light coming from the front of his car lit up the road and the edges of the fields, allowing him to see the flowers and the bright green grass.

His feeling of being alone was soon proven wrong. When he briefly looked to the side to look at the field of flowers, he saw a different silhouette among the plants. He did not take long to realize that it was a person, sitting on the ground. Hyoga stopped the car and looked more carefully : that was what he thought. The person who was sitting alone in nature was (Y/N), Hyoga's girlfriend.

There was no one else driving on that road at the moment. It was the middle of the night and this place was in the middle of nowhere. So Hyoga kept his car where he had stopped it and got out of it. (Y/N) smiled at him as soon as she recognized him.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here at this hour?" the blonde boy asked. "I thought you would be asleep at home by now."

"I don't want to sleep," the girl responded. "I was just looking at the sky, it's so beautiful tonight."

Hyoga smiled. The love she had for starlit skies seemed like it was bigger than the feelings she had for him. But he loved looking at the stars too, so he did not mind. "Can I join?"

"Please," she smiled from ear to ear.

"Wait for five minutes. I'm going to find a better place to park this car and I'll join you afterwards."

"Fine," (Y/N) answered as Hyoga went back in the car. After three seconds, the car went away and she found herself alone in the grass again. The lights of the car were gone, and now only the moonlight and the starlight lit up the whole place.

(Y/N) only had to wait for a couple of minutes until her boyfriend came back. The little sound of his footsteps on the ground covered in plants let her know he was there. He went to sit down right next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. The air was fresh and her warm skin was pleasant to touch.

"The sky looks so beautiful right now," the girl commented. "not a single cloud. We can really see every star possible."

"I like to try and recognize the constellations in the sky when so many stars are on full display," said Hyoga, looking up in different directions.

"That's what I was trying to do before you came here, but I don't know that many constellations," (Y/N) admitted. "Do you think you could teach me some of them?"

"Of course," he smiled. "Which ones have you spotted so far?"

"I saw the Big Dipper. It's right above us right now." Hyoga looked up and found the seven stars of the constellation right above his head. It looked much more enormous in person, of course. It was almost intimidating.

"And over there, I think that's Orion," (Y/N) pointed elsewhere in the sky. "But it's not that difficult to recognize after all. The three big stars that are perfectly aligned represent Orion's belt, right?"

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