Shelter | Mu X Reader

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It was a quiet evening in Sanctuary. Some of the gold saints had gone out to grab a drink, others were out because they actually had serious business to do elsewhere. 11 of them were out tonight. The Aries temple was the only non-empty house around here.

Mu was home alone and quite bored. Nothing a good book couldn't fix, but it still felt lonely here. He had always lived alone in this house, but maybe his colleagues' absence from Sanctuary was what had changed the atmosphere tonight. He knew they were having a good time, so he still thought it was good for them. He would just have to wait for a couple of days until at least one of them came back, it was fine.

But the idea that he had to wait was soon proven wrong. Even though his room was a certain distance away from the entrance door of his house, he heard someone knock on the door in question. He sat up on his bed and frowned, remembering he wasn't expecting anyone tonight. He was supposed to be alone, and the reason why that person was here was probably not a big deal.

He got out of his room and quickly made his way to the door in hopes of not making the person wait, whoever it was. When he opened up, he was surprised to find a young woman he knew all too well. "(Y/N)?" he smiled. That girl was his girlfriend, and seeing her here right now was a pleasant surprise. But she didn't live with him; she still lived with her parents, and she was supposed to be home with them at this moment.

"Hi Mu," she smiled in return, more awkwardly than usual. "Am I disturbing you? Are you busy tonight?"

"No, I'm not," he shook his head. "I wasn't expecting you to come, but I'm really happy to see you." She smiled even more and they pulled each other into their arms. "Do you want to come in?"

"Gladly," she nodded. "I don't want to worry you, but I have some things to tell you about."


Mu and his girlfriend had a seat together in the living room after the Aries saint had prepared tea for the both of them. "So, tell me, what happened? I thought you were having dinner with your parents tonight."

"Well, that's the thing," (Y/N) answered, staring at her cup of tea. "Actually..." she looked around, seemingly looking for a way to say things. "There's no easy way to say this, but my dad just kicked me out of the house."

Only then, she was able to look him in the eyes, and her heart cracked as she saw his facial expression change. He blinked and frowned in surprise, as he did sometimes when he found out something that made him want to beat someone up. "He did what?" he asked in a tone of voice that would make her shiver if she were the one he wanted to beat up.

"Yeah, it... happened pretty quickly." She looked down at her tea again. "I'll only tell you the whole story if you want to hear it, but all I need you to know was that I wasn't the one looking for trouble. I know I can be a bitch when I'm angry, but I know I did nothing wrong tonight."

"Of course I know you aren't in the wrong, love," Mu replied, putting his hand on hers. "I don't know what happened, but you already told me your father tended to go berserk for petty things." (Y/N)'s dad wasn't the stereotypical sick man with anger issues who beat innocent people, but he did like to yell at people out of bad faith, wrongly accuse them and try to make them think it was their fault. Mu had never met him, but he had known (Y/N) and had been dating her for quite some time, and she had told him about him. It was not surprising to him to hear her say that her father had done that. "Tell me what happened, but you don't have to go into detail."

"We were about to eat. My mother was quickly checking something on a paper before sitting down with us. My dad was like 'it's not the right time, it's almost time to eat'. Dude was still cooking, it wasn't ready yet. I said he shouldn't be saying that, because he's usually the one who takes his sweet time rejoining us when dinner is actually ready. He was angry at the fact that I was making him notice he was in bad faith. He started yelling at me, accusing me of things that have nothing to do with it, saying I didn't know what respect was, that I never did anything for my parents or for the maintenance of the house, which is not true. My mom hates arguments, so she tried to calm him down, but my dad kept yelling, and when I said 'mom told you to stop' he told me to shut the fuck up and ended up kicking me out. Your place was the first place I had the idea of going to."

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