Sweet Friendship | Freya X Hagen X Reader

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(request from ME0403! hope you like it!

this takes place where the two princesses and the god warriors are still kids. Let's say that (Y/N), Freya and Hagen are all 5 or 6 years old in this.)

It was cold today. Snow was covering the ground and was still falling from the sky. The two princesses, Hilda and Freya, and their friends stayed safe from the cold in Valhalla Castle. While the older princess was busy (and most of the boys had found something to do), on of the children was dying of boredom.

A sad little girl named (Y/N) was quietly walking around alone in the big castle as tears filled up her eyes. The child wanted some company but was sure no one would want to spend time with her. Two or three of the boys were gone to practice combat, and she knew Hilda had work to do as well. She didn't want to be all alone, but she didn't intend to bother any of them either. So she walked away every time one of them rejected her.

She was now walking towards the room that belonged to Freya, her royal best friend. Maybe she didn't want to play with her either, but she was very sweet, and (Y/N) knew she wouldn't reject her as harshly as the others had. Yet she approached the room slowly and without making a single noise, as if she was about to commit some crime.

When she got in front of the door, she hesitated a few seconds, but eventually knocked three times. She was almost a bit relieved when she heard her best friend's cheerful voice answer her. "Yes? Who is it?" the princess asked on the other side of the door.

"It's me, (Y/N)," the little girl said. Her voice shook because of how much she had been crying. She quickly wiped her tears away with her long sleeve and resumed : "Can I come in?"

She heard no response. Instead, she heard Freya's footsteps on the floor and after a few seconds, the door opened, allowing the two girls to see each other. The blonde princess was smiling, but as soon as she saw her friend's face, her grin disappeared. A worried look created itself on her doll face, and her eyes now shone almost as much as the sadness and tears made (Y/N)'s eyes shine. "What's going on ?" she asked, taking her friend's hands in her own.

(Y/N) looked at Freya and then at the floor, switching every two seconds for some reason. "I'm bored and I wanted to play with someone, but nobody's free. Mime and Alberich were really mean to me."

A shocked Freya opened her eyes even wider and tried to force her friend to look at her. "Why would you even ask Alberich?" she asked, sounding like she had been betrayed in some way. "He is always mean to everyone." She then took (Y/N)'s hands in her own. "You should have asked me first! I can play with you if you want!"

The sad little girl's expression slightly changed as her friend smiled widely at her. "Really?"

"Of course!" Freya responded joyfully. "Come with me, we're gonna ask Hagen if he wants to join!" The princess left her room closed and empty and took (Y/N) with her. (Y/N) started to smile and laugh. Hagen and Freya spent a lot of time together, but she did not always join them. They seemed to be closer to each other than they were to her. She was okay with that, though. And this time, even if Hagen couldn't come with them for some reason, at least (Y/N) would have Freya.

The two little girls ran together through the castle, in direction of the room where Hagen was used to staying. When they got to his bedroom, (Y/N)'s eyes were still bloodshot and it was clear that she had cried. The little boy was also unpleasantly surprised to see her like this. Hagen was more compassionate than the two girls' other male friends, and he really disliked seeing (Y/N) cry. Even if she hadn't been in that state, he would have accepted to play with her and Freya, but that only convinced him quicker.

The three kids began to happily run their way out of the castle. On such a day, if there were any fun thing to do that would cheer (Y/N) up, it was playing with the snow. Her, Hagen and Freya put on thick coats and gloves to avoid catching a cold, and finally exited the big castle.

Once outside, (Y/N) couldn't help but look around in awe. The sky was as white as the snow that was covering everything. But the shape of the trees and houses in the distance were still visible, so it almost looked like a landscape drawn on a white piece of paper and not colored.

As she was looking at the beauty of the Asgard kingdom covered in snow, she got something thrown at her head from behind. The thing in question was cold and not very solid, and (Y/N) instantly knew what it was. She turned around, a wide smile spreading across her face. Princess Freya had one hand on her mouth to cover her giggles, and Hagen had a snowball ready in his own hand.

As fast as she could, (Y/N) bent over to grab enough snow in her hands to make a snowball. But even though she did it fast, Hagen already had a weapon ready. He didn't wait for her to finish, and threw his snowball in her face before she was done making her own.

"Hey, wait a minute!" she shouted. She hadn't let go of her snowball. Hagen ran away from her, but she was good at aiming, and the snowball she had thrown at him reached him in the back of his neck.

The satisfaction that (Y/N) felt was shortened by another snowball hitting her. Freya had thrown it herself. (Y/N) didn't even take the time to look at the princess: she crouched and gathered enough snow to make a very big snowball. She giggled as she looked at her work of art, but when she turned around, Freya was already gone. Her and Hagen were both running in the same direction, away from (Y/N).

"Hey! Wait, you two!" the little girl shouted as loud as she could, running behind them. Even though her snowball was big, she was able to hold it in one of her hands as she chased her friends. It took a little while, but as soon as she found herself close enough to them, she threw her weapon and it hit Hagen.


After a good 45 minutes, the three friends were laughing so much their stomachs hurt. Out of breath, the young princess was the first to collapse in the snow, followed by (Y/N). Hagen caught his breath pretty fast, but lay down next to the two girls as well.

Freya turned around to look at her friend, and saw a clear difference between her mood an hour ago and her mood right now. She and Hagen were proud to have been able to put a smile on her face. All the more so as they hated seeing her cry as she had earlier.

"(Y/N), I want you to promise me something," Hagen said, sitting up on the snow. "Next time you need someone to play with, never ask Alberich or Mime again. I'm sure they'll still be mean to you. Ask me and Freya first. We will always do what we can to cheer you up."

"Okay, I promise," the little girl smiled. "I will try not to bother you guys too often though."

"I know you won't," the princess reassured her. She then pushed herself off the ground to get up on her feet. "Now grab my hands, I'll help you get up."

Hagen laughed out loud as (Y/N) obeyed Freya. "Oh come on, everybody knows this trick, she's gonna help you get up and then push you down the road!" he said, gesturing to the slope that was in front of them.

The place where the three children were was a sloping part of the big forest next to Valhalla Castle. Hagen, Freya and (Y/N) liked to go tobogganing down that inclined piece of land.

"... And that's my job!"

"Wait, Hagen, no!" (Y/N) screamed, half scared and half amused. But the boy didn't listen to her. He pushed her shoulders to make her fall to the ground, and she made her way down the slope, rolling in the snow.

Hagen and Freya laughed out loud until their friend found herself at a spot where it was easier for her to get back up. Then, the little boy grabbed the princess's arm and urged her to run away, knowing that (Y/N) would get her revenge.

The silly little games they played there, in snowy nature, lasted hours, and by the time they were done, the little girl's sadness was long forgotten.

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