Stay With Me | Hyoga X Shun

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(the five requested oneshots are taking a little time, so I had this idea while I was writing one of them. I hope it's not too cheesy.

Trigger warning : this story mentions suicidal behavior, which I do NOT encourage at all. This is just for the story.)

Shun's pov

Everything right now is so quiet and almost awkward. The bad atmosphere ruling over the room makes a perfect contrast with the wonderful weather outside. I'm in the dining room of the Kido Mansion, having lunch with Saori, Shiryu and Ikki. Now that two of our friends are missing, it's hard to have a nice moment as we usually do.

Seiya has been in a coma since the end of the last Holy War. A cloud of fear has been hanging above all of us since then, and it's been about a month already. We all hope he'll get back to us, but unfortunately, there's not much we can do. As for Hyoga, it feels like Seiya's situation has been affecting him even more than it affects us.

We barely see him anymore. Sometimes, he skips lunch or dinner. Sometimes both in the same day. And from what I've seen, if it's not to eat something, he never gets out of his room. Today again, Saori has prepared a plate of food for him, thinking he would probably come to eat. But he didn't. His plate is still untouched. Knowing that this has happened so many times makes me so worried for him.

"I guess I'm going to have to throw that food into the bin again," Saori sighs. Not only she worries for Hyoga, but she hates wasting food, so it's normal she should be like that.

"You don't have to," I tell her. "I can take the plate and bring it to Hyoga. We all want him to eat."

Saori gives me a little smile, practically invisible because of how unhappy she is these days. "Thank you, Shun. It's very kind of you."

"It's normal," I answer.

"Oh, by the way Shun," Saori resumes, "You see the drawer in the kitchen where we put the sharpest knives?" I nod. "A knife is missing among them. It does not have that much value, but I was wondering if you had seen it anywhere?"

"No, I haven't," I shake my head. "But I can look for it if you want. It must be somewhere in the Mansion."

"You don't have to, but if you find it, thank you in advance. After all, there are several knives like that one, it wouldn't be that big of a loss."

After the end of the lunch, I take Hyoga's plate in my hands and go to his room. I really hope he's okay. I want to leave him the right to have his privacy and his moments alone, but not to scare us like that. We may already be losing Seiya, I don't want to lose Hyoga too. Both of them are important to me and to our friends. Too many lives have already been lost in the past War. It has to stop now.

I stop in front of Hyoga's bedroom door and knock quietly. "Hyoga? Are you in here?"

After only a few seconds, Hyoga's voice responds to me. "Who is it?" he asks. He sounds very tired, and sad at the same time.

"It's me, Shun. Can I come in?"


I push the door open and find Hyoga on his bed. His back is against the wall and he has his hands on his arms. It's obvious in the way he looks that he hasn't been sleeping a lot.

"I brought you food," I say as I give him the plate with a knife and fork in it. "You have barely been eating lately."

One of his arms reaches out for the plate and he puts it on his lap. He thanks me, but his voice is so small I can scarcely hear him. I would like to stay and make sure he actually eats what I just handed him, but I'm sure it would most likely make him uncomfortable.

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