Rancor | Ikki X Shun X Reader

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(warning : if you praise Ikki's and Shun's relationship as brothers, don't read this. This oneshot is just me talking shit about how Ikki used to treat Shun.)

"I would like to raise a toast to Ikki!" Seiya smiled, putting his drink up. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" everyone shouted while hitting their respective glasses together.

The night was being spent happily for the bronze saints and Saori. It had been a long and scary day, at the end of which Ikki, the Phenix saint, had unexpectedly come back to life in time to save his younger brother. His resurrection was what all of his friends were now celebrating.

Before his return, three friends of Shun's were already on their way to save their friend. By the time they had arrived, Shun's enemy had already been vanquished, and all they had found was Ikki making sure that Shun was okay. Only Seiya and Hyoga were happy about Ikki's return. Then, there was (Y/N), who was happy for her friend but still blamed Ikki for making him go through hell.

Now, she could only hear what all of her friends were saying and how happy they were, but she was in another room. She had pretended to feel sick, only to have an excuse to isolate herself and avoid the blue-haired boy.

(Y/N) knew Ikki and Shun very well. The younger of the two brothers was a close friend of hers since her childhood. She still remembered the way Ikki used to treat him. He had always been rude to him, under the pretext that he was trying to protect him. To her, it had always been bullshit. Even now, she deeply wanted Ikki to suffer and feel bad for his earlier actions. Even before being brainwashed, Ikki had always been a jerk.

"How do you feel now, Ikki?" Shiryu asked.

"I feel weird, but not bad. I feel like I just woke up from an awful and long nightmare." Ikki's voice was rather calm, but (Y/N) knew he was smiling at everyone as he talked to them.

"You must be happy, Shun!" Seiya laughed. "Not only your brother is here, but he no longer wants to kill you! That's cool, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's fantastic!" Shun answered. His voice made (Y/N) smile, even though she couldn't see his happy expression. "I can't really believe it, to be honest. I'm having trouble believing he's here. It's wonderful, I'm so happy!"

Shun's voice cracked, and if that hadn't helped (Y/N) know he was starting to cry, his friends' laughter would have. "He's always been such an emotional saint," Shiryu commented.

"Shun, stop crying. A man shouldn't cry."

Ah, there it was. The kind of sentence that Ikki had the habit of telling his brother. Ikki's biggest issue was his toxic masculinity, and the fact that he tried to teach Shun his ways was worse. That was why (Y/N) couldn't stand him. She wanted to slap him, hurt him and teach him a lesson herself. Sadly, his strength was a lot superior to hers, and she would be the one suffering if she tried to hurt him.

"Even the strongest man in the world would cry if he was as happy as I am!" Shun responded.

(Y/N) smiled uncontrollably upon hearing those words. "Oh God, what a fucking cutie," she thought to herself. "I hope he stays like that and doesn't let his brother's stupid advice get to him."

"I'm happy too Shun, but for heaven's sake, dry those eyes!"

"Oh come on, Ikki, leave him alone for once!" Hyoga smiled out of compassion for Shun. "He's right. We're all so happy to see you, let us get emotional just this once!"

"Especially since you cried too when we saw each other in the forest this afternoon!" Seiya commented.

Everyone laughed at that. They were all having such a nice night, but (Y/N) didn't want to join them. She didn't want to have to pretend to be happy to see her best friend's brother again. But at the same time, she wanted to make things clear with him, and tell him that he was an asshole and always had been so. Letting these thoughts invade her brain and fill it to the brim, she closed her eyes and sat back against the door of the room she had locked herself in.

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