Demons | Saga X Daughter!Reader

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(this was requested by ME0403 ! surpriiiiiiise <3)

It was nighttime now and Saga couldn't see much as he walked through the dark landscape. He was all alone, carrying the box that contained his Gemini gold cloth on his back. The slight raindrops falling from the cloudy sky didn't bother him too much, but he couldn't wait to get home to the Sanctuary.

Even in his head, the "couldn't wait" part didn't sound right. Living there wasn't enough for him to be happy.

In fact, even in the Sanctuary, his life wasn't that pleasant. He ruled that holy place as the Pope, of which he had usurped the title years ago. Everyone trusted him, including the other gold saints, but he had taken that place under the control of his demons. In his normal state, Saga wouldn't have done that, but still had to deal with what he had done.

Sometimes, Saga wished he had someone he could share this life with. Someone who could understand his struggles. A person who knew who he was, what he had done and why he had done it. But then, he remembered that the devil on his shoulder always won the fights against the angel on his other shoulder. Having someone who would share his life would just mean having a future victim of his madness.

So, he stayed alone. Alone in the dark, just as he was right now. Head down and tired. More tired of himself than of other people.

Saga slowed down when he started hearing footsteps. Those footsteps weren't his and he knew it : they were too fast. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. A little boy was running. The Gemini saint could see that the child was carrying some food in his tiny arms.

The boy ran past Saga and walked around the corner of a house. Seeing that made the adult curious. Why was this child running like that, and why was he alone in this weather at night? Saga wasn't sure it was a good idea, but he started walking in the same direction as the young boy to find him.

After walking around the same house corner and walking ahead a little distance, Saga found the young boy. But now, the child wasn't alone. He was with another child, a little girl visibly younger than him. There was still no adult to be found with them. The two kids were sitting together against a high street lamp and eating the food that the boy was carrying earlier.

As soon as Saga stopped in front of the two children, they both raised their heads to look up at him. "What are you two doing here in the middle of the night?" the young man asked.

"We have nowhere else to go," the boy answered. The girl next to him said nothing, she just stared at Saga. She was obviously a little scared, which he understood.

"Nowhere? Don't you have parents or a house?"

"No. Our parents died a while ago, and our house was destroyed. But what's it to you, anyway?"

Saga was shocked at how easily and with how little emotion those words had left the boy's mouth. But he only replied : "I cannot leave two children alone in the street. That would be a crime. How old are you two? And what are your names ?"

"I'm Jonas," the boy introduced himself. "I'm 10. And this is my sister, (Y/N), and she's 5."

(Y/N) kept looking wide-eyed at Saga without saying a word. Without even moving. Concerned, the gold Saint knelt in front of her, still trying not to get too close. "Why don't you speak? Are you mute?"

The girl shook her head, but her mouth remained closed. "She's not mute, she's just terrified," Jonas said in her stead. "No adult has spoken to us in a while. And our parents always told us not to talk to strangers."

"My name is Saga. Since I'm a stranger to you, I would find it normal for you not to trust me. But I live in the Sanctuary, and I have enough room where I live to take two children in. I would hate to leave you alone like this. Would you like me to take you with me?"

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