Surprise | Aiolia X Reader

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(warning, this is a very long one. Over 2000 words. And it might also be a little cringy. But I've had a lot of fun writing it! ❤️)

Someone knocks at my door. I'm already sure who it is. With a big grin on my face, I walk to the entrance door of my house, almost jumping with each step. When I open the door, my smile grows even bigger. The two people in front of me are those who I invited here. The gold saints Mu of Aries and Milo of Scorpio.

"Hello (Y/N)! Happy birthday!" they say to me with big smiles. I hug them to greet them and welcome them in the house. I do not live alone here; I share this house with my boyfriend Aiolia, the gold saint of Leo. Mu and Milo are his closest friends and colleagues.

But Aiolia is currently on a trip for work, and unfortunately cannot be there for my birthday. Wanting some company, I invited his two friends, with whom I'm lucky to be friends too.

The two gold saints have little bags in their hands, probably with presents in them. "Here, we brought you a little something," Mu says as they hand the bags to me.

"Aw come on guys, you didn't have to!" I smile, taking the two bags. "I'll open them later, if that's okay with you. I should offer you two something to eat first."

"No problem, but if you wanted, we could also have prepared a cake or something all three of us could eat together," Milo laughs.

"No! You bringing me presents is largely enough. Just because it's my birthday doesn't mean I'm not giving you guys anything."

Big parties with a huge chocolate cake and lots of presents are really not my thing, especially since I don't have many people to celebrate my birthday with. I have no family, few friends and I only live with my boyfriend. Now that I find myself with two friends, some cookies and simple drinks will do the trick.

Milo and Mu have a seat on the sofa of the living room while I prepare them some coffee. I place the bags containing my presents next to my seat, kind of excited to open them. Once I'm done preparing things for us to eat and drink, I sit down on the sofa as well and all three of us start to chat.

"So Aiolia still hasn't come back from his trip?" Mu asks, holding his cup of coffee between his two hands.

"No, still not. He sent me a letter a few days ago, and told me he wouldn't be able to be here today." I shrug. I'm a little sad about it, but Aiolia is such a good boyfriend he will probably shower me with presents as soon as he comes back. He loves to spoil me. It's so cute.

"That's really sad. It's a good thing you invited us," says Milo, his voice filled with compassion. "I wouldn't have liked you to be all alone on your birthday."

"And it's really kind of you two to have accepted. I'm absolutely not blaming you guys for it, but you are closer to Aiolia than to me. If I weren't his girlfriend, I would mean much less to you guys."

"Don't start talking nonsense now," Mu laughs half seriously. "We appreciate you a lot, both as (Y/N) and as our best friend's girlfriend. We would have come anyway." I look at Milo, who nods at me to confirm Mu's words.

"Man, I love you guys. Gold saints with gold hearts," I smile in the corniest way.

"Aww," both of them laugh, putting their hands on their hearts. These two are definitely amazing friends.

We continue talking, and I try to make the conversation more focused on them and their work. Apparently they have quite a lot of free time these days. The bronze saints are the ones who protect Athena the best since they are close friends of hers, and there have been no invaders trying to take the Sanctuary lately. That's why Milo and Mu had the time to come and visit me.

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