First Kiss | Ikki X Reader

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(this was requested to me through private messages by @KCTessa317 :) it's not exactly what you requested, i did change one or two details, but i hope you like it :))

(Y/N) sat back in her bed, her brain filled with thoughts. Alone, she stared at the wall ahead of her. She was holding her knees against her chest and fidgeting her fingers, playing with the rings she always kept on them.

A little bit of time ago, (Y/N) had begun a romantic relationship with the boy she loved. Ikki, the Phenix bronze saint. As a saint of Athena, the boy didn't have much time on his hands. Therefore, ever since the two had started dating, they hadn't been able to go out together or anything like that.

But now, his latest mission with Athena and his fellow saints was over. Just yesterday, he had texted his girlfriend, asking if she wanted to come over to his house to spend time together. Just the two of them, plus the TV.

(Y/N) had obviously accepted. She was definitely not against the idea. But maybe she was now overthinking things a little. At first, she had wondered why stay at his house and not go out somewhere, like to the movies or a restaurant or something like that. But then, an oddly specific kind of ideas had settled in her head.

Maybe the movie night he was planning to have with her would actually lead to something more interesting. Something that didn't have to happen in public places. Maybe Ikki had planned that too, and that it was the reason why he invited her over. Being the clingy girlfriend that she was (although she knew how to control her urges), (Y/N) did hope it would be that.

She, as a matter of fact, couldn't really see how a movie (especially the kind of movie Ikki preferred) could lead to anything romantic or close to it. But now that the thought of being in his arms and getting to kiss him had gotten to her, she couldn't get rid of it. She didn't try to get rid of it anymore now.

That was why she was now moving uncontrollably on her bed, imagining all the ways she wanted him to touch her. They had never even had their first kiss together, and yet when she closed her eyes, she could feel the sensation of his warm lips. And that was probably only 10% of what she had imagined by now. She wasn't asking for a lot, but she hoped that at least one of those things would happen tonight.


When (Y/N) got to Ikki's place right on time a little later, he welcomed her with a smile. They held each other in their arms for a while, finally being together after having waited so long. Although he had missed her an awful lot, he was calm and didn't let it show too much. He had never liked to act overjoyed and euphoric. (Y/N) respected that and stayed about as still as him.

The couple decided to watch an action movie. They prepared pop corn to eat and lay down on the couch after turning off all the lights. The girl leaned on her boyfriend's shoulder after some time. Ikki, who couldn't deny feeling so comfortable with that action, leaned his head on hers and wrapped an arm around her.

Even though the action in the movie kept (Y/N) awake and invested in the story, she felt like dozing off in that position. Her boyfriend's thumb rubbing her skin did work magic, all the more so as he did the move with a pleasant slowness. At this point, the only thing keeping her eyes open was the sudden sound of fights, fire weapons or screams.

Some of them were sudden and brutal enough to make her slightly flinch, which gave Ikki an uncontrollable smile. His hand that was gently rubbing her skin then moved up to stroke her hair. That gave her the exact same smile.

The movie's end got closer. Everything was now quiet. The two main characters stood in front of each other in the middle of the chaos that was the battlefield. Everything around them had burned and the smoke surrounded the two love interests, who were very probably about to kiss.

While (Y/N) slightly changed her position to see the scene better, Ikki rolled his eyes. He could see the cringe coming from this far. Those two had messed up all of the moments they'd had alone the whole movie. So when the male protagonist finally grabbed the girl and crushed his lips on hers, Ikki couldn't help but groan "Aw c'mon man, even I could kiss better than that."

That caught his own girlfriend off guard. (Y/N) started laughing cutely, no longer focused on the movie. Ikki laughed with her, feeling the way her shoulders shook up and down against him. "I wish I could confirm that, but I'm going to need some proof" she said, gently making fun of him.

Ikki looked at her and smirked, only turning the sound of the movie down. "Are you asking me to confirm anything or are you just making fun of me?"

"Have it the way you want. I mean, I'm not really asking you to do anything," she clarified, shrugging and avoiding his gaze. "I thought you weren't into that kind of stuff, since you've never kissed me even after we started dating."

By now, Ikki's handsome smirk had faded. He wasn't exactly offended, but he did feel bad about the distance he'd been keeping with his girlfriend. "I may not be the very clingy type, but I could have kissed you long ago if you wanted me to. I just thought you didn't. Some people don't want to do those things directly after beginning their relationships."

Hearing those words, (Y/N) gave Ikki big doe eyes in surprise. "So while I thought you were being distant and didn't want things to get more serious, you were actually being super considerate?" she asked. Her voice sounded like she was about to cry. She was exaggerating it but she really was flattered to a certain extent.

Her face and voice amused Ikki, who looked away from her cuteness. "I suppose you could call it that." He then looked at her again. She still had her doe eyes, but her shocked expression had been replaced by a smile. "So, do you want this kiss or not?" he smiled at her.

As a response, the girl changed her position. While Ikki remained laying on his back on the couch, (Y/N) sat astride his thighs and grabbed the front of his shirt in both of her hands. "Let's see if I can kiss better than that stupid guy," she joked, referring to the movie's protagonist. Ikki smiled at her, showing he was more than fine with it.

She pulled him closer to her to violently join their lips together. The speed at which it happened surprised Ikki, but after half a second, it felt like time had stopped. Even with his eyes closed, the blue haired boy was able to find and grab the remote to turn the TV off. Now that the screen had gone black, the two lovers found themselves almost completely in the dark.

Now no sound could be heard, apart from (Y/N)'s and Ikki's little sighs of satisfaction. The two didn't let go of each other and started to move their lips, making things even hotter. After a minute, they pulled away for air. If it hadn't been that dark, they might have seen how red their cheeks were. "Was it okay?" the girl murmured. Her voice was lower and calmer. So attractive.

"Not bad. Really not bad," Ikki responded. "Let me try and do better though."

He grabbed her hips and kissed her again, with just as much energy. The action only repeated itself, exactly the same way as earlier. But this time, he lay her down backwards, finding himself on top of her.

"Don't worry," he whispered in her ear after they found themselves in such a position. "I may be on top of you and between your legs right now, but we're not going any further than where we are now. I did say I didn't want to rush you after all."

"Fine then," she panted before kissing him. "But we'll have to stop soon in that case. At this pace, a series of kisses can lead to a series of other things."

"Let's stop there if you want," he said. He kissed her one last time, but this time it was calm and quicker. Then, he eventually lay down next to her on the couch, still holding her against him. "We'll resume things when I'm sure you're willing to."

That night, (Y/N) never went home. She stayed on her boyfriend's couch, in his arms, and only left the next day.

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