Cold Pt. 2 | Hyoga X Reader

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(just to warn you guys, this part is muuuuuch longer than part 1. Hope you enjoy it tho :))

Three years had passed since Hyoga had become Saint Crystal's apprentice. The young blonde boy and (Y/N) were now 11 years old, and they had become great friends. Well, to be fair, the little girl (who was now almost a teenager) was the only person Hyoga considered as his friend, as kind as his mentor was.

It was now the middle of the afternoon. (Y/N) sat on the ground, watching her best friend practice with Crystal. Having the most experience, the mentor was obviously the one who knew the most ways to defend himself or to attack. But Hyoga had listened and learned. He dodged most of his attacks, before trying to use some of them himself.

(Y/N) could only smile as she watched them have their little 'fight'. During those three years, she had noticed how Hyoga's powers slowly developed. She remembered telling him something along the lines of 'one day, you'll be stronger than my brother', to which Hyoga had replied 'oh heck no' while laughing out loud. His disagreement had certainly not changed her mind.

"Come on Hyoga, give him what he's worth!" the young girl screamed. Hyoga smiled as he heard her. He could only look at his mentor since he was focusing on his attacks, but just by hearing (Y/N)'s voice, he could see her childish smile.

Crystal suddenly positioned himself for an attack, holding his hands above his head. Hyoga had seen that attack one too many times : the diamond dust. He wasn't going to let it surprise him this time.

Crystal yelled the name of the attack, aiming his hands toward his apprentice. But Hyoga was quick enough to dodge the attack that was going to reach him. Instead of harming him, the dust ended up blowing a lot of snow away from the ground. In the blink of an eye, Hyoga had disappeared from his spot.

The man looked around. For less than a second, he had closed his eyes to concentrate more energy. He had missed the short opportunity to see where Hyoga had gone. "What in the..."

That's when he felt two quite small hands hold his ankles tight. He turned around and realized that Hyoga was on the ground behind him. Before he knew it, the young boy's hands started to glow, and ice started to form around the saint's lower legs, preventing him from moving.

"YEEEEEEESS!" (Y/N)'s voice made itself heard all of a sudden. Her congratulations cracked a smile on Hyoga's face, and the boy wasn't able to concentrate enough to keep freezing his mentor's legs anymore. He looked at what he had done, proud of himself. The ice almost reached Crystal's knees.

"And you said you weren't that fast of a learner", the saint told Hyoga, smirking. "I wasn't even going to teach you that attack now."

"But you've shown it to me enough times already", Hyoga replied, getting back up. "I'm not a fast learner, you just do the same thing all over again."

Shocked and amused by how honest Hyoga was, Crystal looked at (Y/N), who was still sitting on the ground a few feet away from them. The only reaction the young girl had was to point at her best friend and tell her brother : "That's what he said".

The three of them laughed together, but (Y/N) soon realized that her brother's legs were still paralyzed by the ice. "Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to get you a box of matches so you can melt this?" she asked, pointing at the ice Hyoga had created.

Crystal narrowed his eyes and smirked at her. "Very funny", he said sarcastically. "But I'm too strong to need a box of matches." Still smiling, the man closed his eyes to gather his strength, and after just a few seconds, the ice shattered like glass.

Hyoga's pride went away as soon as he saw how easily the ice had broken. "Is there a way to make it last longer?" he asked his mentor, with little hope in his voice.

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