Insecure | Ikki X Reader

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(this may seem very weird for a oneshot idea but as I'm writing this, I'm going through the same thing (Y/N)​ goes through here. I feel so bad and ugly and I can't wait for it to stop omg 😭 ok enough talking about myself, I hope you like this)

Ikki and I both sit on the sofa, watching TV. Or rather he watches TV and I watch him eat his breakfast. What he's eating is very mouth-watering, but I am not allowed to eat anything this morning.

I have an appointment today to get my wisdom teeth removed. The fact that I'm not allowed to eat this morning is not the worst part of it. The physicians have already told me how everything was going to be done, and it didn't make me want to do it. I know I'm being a baby right now and I think that bothers Ikki a lot, but I'm super scared of the process and how much it's gonna hurt.

From what I understood, they're going to sting me with a needle to put some kind of substance in me, which will make me fall asleep. I hate needles, so I'm already sure I'm going to freak out when I feel it in me. Then, when I wake up, everything will already be done and I'll have a strange feeling in my mouth for a few days. The things I'll be allowed to eat will be limited. That scares me almost as much. I can't help but imagine that that mouth feeling will be even worse than the needle.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ikki asks me, completely devoid of any facial expression.

"When did I ever say I was okay?"

He laughs a little at my answer. "You don't need to be so scared. It's surely not the worst thing you'll ever have to go through, so stop being such a baby."

"Easy for you to say. You know I hate bringing up your past, but after everything you've dealt with, not many things scare you or hurt you now."

Poor Ikki has been through literal hell earlier in his life. Getting his wisdom teeth pulled out of his mouth would not make him feel anything. He would never have the nerve to complain about the pain. I wish we could switch places.

"Listen to me," he says, taking my wrist gently. "Having someone accompanying you is mandatory for you today. As your boyfriend, I'm the one who's gonna come with you. That should make you feel better, shouldn't it?"

"Only for you to keep telling me to quit being a sensitive ass baby? Honestly, anyone else's company would be better in that case."

"Now you're being a bit harsh. I know what it's like to be hurt, and I won't say anything while you're in pain. But only if you stop being a drama queen. This is a medical thing, to guarantee you a better health. You're not dying."

'Dangit, I fucking wish I were', I want to answer him. But that will only piss him off more.

"I'll try not to exaggerate things," I reply, giving him the words he hoped to hear. I'm not even looking at him anymore, and he has let go of my wrist. All this stupid tension just because I have a painful appointment? This situation is even more stupid than I expected it to be. And it's nobody's fault but mine.

|After the end of the operation|

The car Ikki and I are in is completely silent. My mouth hurts and I sound funny whenever I try to talk. My cheeks and gums are so swollen I look like the dumbest hamster, and I'm happy Ikki can't look at me. He's the one driving the car and he has to pay attention to the road.

I think I handled the situation pretty well. The needle wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, and I almost never complained about the pain after the operation was done. I thought Ikki would say something like 'you see, it's not that hard not to make a big deal of things'. But when I woke up, he only asked me if I was okay and I nodded.

When the physicians brought me food, I felt bad and wasn't hungry, but Ikki suggested that I should. I didn't want to end up arguing with him so I ate, but I knew he wouldn't force the yogurts down my throat even if I had refused. The food didn't make me feel any better though.

Right now, all I want is to sleep. I can hardly open my mouth if it isn't to yawn, and my eyes are closing by themselves. But by the time we get home, it'll be time to eat, and Ikki will surely tell me to swallow something before I collapse on the bed.

"I'm sorry for the argument this morning," Ikki breaks the silence. "I told you you were being harsh, but I was harsh too."

"Don't be sorry," I yawn. "You were right. I'm just a crybaby."

"If you were, I would have never apologized for calling you that term," he chuckles. I rest my head against the window of the car, still not looking at my boyfriend. "How do you feel now?" he asks.

"I look disgusting, my jaw hurts and I'm tired. Don't be surprised if I end up falling asleep in this stupid car."

Ikki laughs even louder, almost cracking a smile on my face. "How can you be so cute when you're angry and tired? I can't relate."

"I'm not cute," I speak a little louder and frown, turning to him. "If you could see my face right now, you would agree with me." My cheeks started swelling a little bit after Ikki last looked at me. It was barely visible when we got into the car, but now, as I look at my reflection in the rearview mirror, I wish that mirror wasn't so close to me. It's hard to look at anything else than myself now.

I have an idea. I pull my mask out of my handbag (not the kind of mask that female saints wear, the kind of mask that protect you from covid lmao) and put it on my face. Now, even if I look in the mirror I will feel less ugly. Oh well, I'll have to take it off soon anyway, and Ikki is probably the one who's gonna make me do it.

|After we both get home|

"(Y/N), it's time to eat now," says my boyfriend behind the door of our bedroom. "Don't worry, I made sure to cook something you can actually eat right now."

I get out of the bed in which I didn't have much time to rest. I can still stand and walk, my whole body except from my face feels okay even though I'm tired. I join Ikki and help him lay the table in the kitchen. He looks at me and stops moving pretty soon.

"(Y/N), we're alone at home right now," he sighs. "I know you're feeling ugly, but you'll have to take this mask off if you want to eat. Might as well do it now."

I look him in the eyes. He doesn't look angry. A bit tired of my attitude, but he is rather calm and composed. Maybe he just doesn't want to argue again.

With only one finger, I take off my mask, hurrying to hide my cheeks with my hair as soon as my face is unveiled. But I don't actually think it works well. At all. I lower my face and resume laying the table.

"You don't even look bad," Ikki chuckles softly. "You've become a cute little rodent."

"I thought you didn't like animals?"

"You're the only animal I like."

His affectionate words start to make me blush, I can feel it. "You know you're digging your own grave by calling me an animal, right Ikki?" I ask, trying not to let him see my flushed cheeks.

"I'm not digging anything. I'm just saying your swollen cheeks make you cute, unlike you keep saying. And in any case, they will have become normal again after two or three days. That's what you said, right?"

"Yeah. Two or three days looking like a hamster keeping all the food in the world in its mouth."

"Try and see things from my perspective," Ikki smiles jokingly, bringing the food on the table. "Only three days during which you'll manage to look cute without having to force yourself to."

"HEY!" I yell at him, frowning. But I can't be intimidating right now. My frowning in addition to my thick cheeks must make Ikki find me even cuter.

"I'm kidding, love," he laughs.

We sit down, start eating, and thanks to Ikki's compliments, I spend less time trying to hide my face. Maybe he'll manage to make these three days a bit less unpleasant after all.

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