i have so many debts T-T

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lol guys, i'm finding myself in a difficult situation rn

now that i have a little bit of free time, i can finally devote the time in question to my oneshots. and recently, i've had a few requests from several different people. some of these requests were sent a longer time ago than others (i don't even know if that's correct grammar but anyways).

the best friend i have on wattpad, ME0403 , requested me a saga x daughter reader a few days ago. and a while before that, they also requested me a shion x reader, to which i said i didn't know if i would do it because i don't know this character well.

another one of my readers, turquiose-coral , recently asked if i could make a shaina x reader or a hyoga x reader. I love those two characters with all my heart, so i said i might make one of those two oneshots soon. maybe even both.

forever ago, and i know that i didn't answer to that and i sincerely apologize, Rote_Kirschbluete asked if i could make a rhadamanthys x reader. not gonna lie, i loathed that character when i watched the hades arc. but i've actually been thinking about it and idk what he would be like with someone he actually likes. so i'm not actually sure i'm gonna ignore that request. to the person who sent it to me, sorry again for not responding to your comment. it was rude and i won't do it again.

since i have time on my hands now, i would love to do all five of these requests. i even thought about writing (literally) all of them in one go and then publishing them as a sort of big surprise for y'all. but it's a bit more complicated than i thought. so under the little amount of pressure, i guess i'm actually ruining my own surprise. yes, i suck.

so basically, all i wanted to say was that i was actually thinking about all of those requests you guys sent me. so one of them (and hopefully all of them) will probably be out soon. and it's just so nice of you to even read this book and send me those requests, so thank you for that, most importantly.

also, while we're talking about what i'm gonna write, i know i said in the description of the book that i didn't write smuts, but i don't know, i feel like i'm slowly changing my mind. the people who have read my last shun x reader oneshot must have suspected that. i'd like to write one of those dirty things, most likely about the fucking hotties that are the gold saints (or at least most of them lmao). i don't think i'll write any about the bronze saints, though, since they're underage and most of the fandom isn't okay with fictional minors being sexualized. but you've been warned i guess.

okay, i don't think i have anything left to say. i'm just glad i have time to write these oneshots again. thank you to everyone who reads my work and likes it, you guys are always super sweet in the comments <3

that being said (damn, i really talk too much), goodbye and have a good day/evening/night.

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